Hello all,
Im half way of getting all 50 Diessa Chalices to get my mesmer Blindfold...
...and what do I find out? That you cant dye it!
That just doesnt seem logical to me! Why? Oh why?
People put lot of effort and money into it at least ANet can u make it dyable?
Blindfold not dyable?
I noticed that after getting it Well, it still looks nice, just would be a lot better if you could dye it. I don't understand why you can't dye simple piece of cloth when can dye everything else..
Curar Partida
Yes I too am disappointed and the inability to dye the blinfold. My smexy monk would look even smexier. So i jsut went with the bandana even though not insigniable... if thats the word.
Croco Clouds
The inability to dye the blindfold is due to the sexual thought of some player lol
I keep seeing things like this, and I'm starting to wonder any part of this expansion except the storyline was fully done when it was released. It's like Anet just said "Ehhh, close enough, let's have lunch!"
Originally Posted by genofreek
It's like Anet just said "Ehhh, close enough, let's have lunch!"
And wouldn't you feel bad, knowing they finished the expansion at the expense of their lunch?
I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Would you?
I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Would you?
Originally Posted by Curar Partida
Yes I too am disappointed and the inability to dye the blinfold. My smexy monk would look even smexier. So i jsut went with the bandana even though not insigniable... if thats the word.
I can put insignia on my bandana. try yours
Aren't mesmers purply anyways?
Originally Posted by jon0592
Aren't mesmers purply anyways?
nah my is all black...
nah my is all black...
Originally Posted by FelixCarter
I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Would you?
Aren't mesmers purply anyways?
Mine likes blue and the occasional gold accents. Purple kindasorta works with my combo, but... I'd really rather be able to color it. :P If they fix it, I'll go out and earn one, but no hurry on my part.