Here's a build that I used in FoW. It can clear the beach and the cave in HM.
If you're quick to avoid the Icehands and still position yourself next to the Bonds, you can kill the undead as well. Some of the Shadow Army groups might be killable as well.
It's not a very fast run, though.
[build prof=a/e shadow=12+1+2 deadly=3 earth=12][deadly paradox][glyph of swiftness][shadow form][dark escape][earth attunement][sliver armor][glyph of lesser energy][teinai's crystals][/build]
I've played with this build in other places as well, and it did okay with the Raptors - not fantastic, but okay. I imagine that you can farm most large mobs with no touch skills with it.
Solo Farming, List of Builds - RELOADED
royal mercenary
Originally Posted by malko050987
Here's a build that I used in FoW. It can clear the beach and the cave in HM.
If you're quick to avoid the Icehands and still position yourself next to the Bonds, you can kill the undead as well. Some of the Shadow Army groups might be killable as well.
It's not a very fast run, though.
[build prof=a/e shadow=12+1+2 deadly=3 earth=12][deadly paradox][glyph of swiftness][shadow form][dark escape][earth attunement][sliver armor][glyph of lesser energy][teinai's crystals][/build]
I've played with this build in other places as well, and it did okay with the Raptors - not fantastic, but okay. I imagine that you can farm most large mobs with no touch skills with it. put in the luxon/kurz ele skill in it for extra dmg and the ebon stand skill aswell
If you're quick to avoid the Icehands and still position yourself next to the Bonds, you can kill the undead as well. Some of the Shadow Army groups might be killable as well.
It's not a very fast run, though.
[build prof=a/e shadow=12+1+2 deadly=3 earth=12][deadly paradox][glyph of swiftness][shadow form][dark escape][earth attunement][sliver armor][glyph of lesser energy][teinai's crystals][/build]
I've played with this build in other places as well, and it did okay with the Raptors - not fantastic, but okay. I imagine that you can farm most large mobs with no touch skills with it. put in the luxon/kurz ele skill in it for extra dmg and the ebon stand skill aswell
Hi Guys!
Im a spanish woman. You can visit this link for more farming.
We have a kurcik guild.
Click in the link Nuestros farmeos...and see anothers alternatives.
Im a spanish woman. You can visit this link for more farming.
We have a kurcik guild.
Click in the link Nuestros farmeos...and see anothers alternatives.
that warrior/X build is for W/M
correct it plz (don't want silly mistakes in your list)
that warrior/X build is for W/M
correct it plz (don't want silly mistakes in your list)
Bob Grunter
good collection of build, nice to have them all in one place though most are outdated
Well after some time i've got a little Message for ya guys cO
Since i've slightly reduced my time in GW and gone over to serious PvP business Marty asked me if i'm still interested in this Thread.
Well i really liked farming and soloing but after a long time i got really bored by killing KI-Mobs all the time and spend time in inventing new Builds while Anet thought it would be a nice idea to buff Skills like Shadow Form to make farming viable for every stupid Idiot that can press two buttons.
I remember times when UW Farming was combined to Weapon-switching, Interrupting or Positioning but this is all gone.
I hope that some of you understand why i'm really bored of this new PvE-Gameplay.
So all in all i think it's just fair to say that i don't want to work on this thread anymore and give Marty the chance to make a new and updated list on Farming Builds.
Have fun and good loot in farming,
yours most doped and l33test Fish. KKthxbai
Since i've slightly reduced my time in GW and gone over to serious PvP business Marty asked me if i'm still interested in this Thread.
Well i really liked farming and soloing but after a long time i got really bored by killing KI-Mobs all the time and spend time in inventing new Builds while Anet thought it would be a nice idea to buff Skills like Shadow Form to make farming viable for every stupid Idiot that can press two buttons.
I remember times when UW Farming was combined to Weapon-switching, Interrupting or Positioning but this is all gone.
I hope that some of you understand why i'm really bored of this new PvE-Gameplay.
So all in all i think it's just fair to say that i don't want to work on this thread anymore and give Marty the chance to make a new and updated list on Farming Builds.
Have fun and good loot in farming,
yours most doped and l33test Fish. KKthxbai