OK, now, it is wrongly thought that Heroes promote PvP and make more people play it. This in fact is wrong, Heroes do the opposite and in time the number of players is reducing and the numbering of heroes increasing. This leads to false belief that more heroes are needed, even in high-end PvP such as GvG. Utter trash.
My solution is different, I believe *people* should be encouraged to PvP just as they are encouraged to do mindless farming in PvE which is utterly boring but people still do it because there's seemingly a point to it.
There are plenty of ways to promote *casual* PvP (you know, the one played by 99,999% of PvP playerbase). I wanted here to discuss one of them, and see if too many people would object to it.
Let's face it, PvP has no rewards other than "fun of playing", but come on, how would you feel if PvE had no drops, no gold, no items, nothing, and others were telling you "ah but you have fun doing missions and quests". Now, you might answer "but PvP gives you lots of titles, gives you HoH chest and top50 guilds get a lot of stuff". Yes, that's true. But there's one problem here. 99,999% of PvPers don't really reach this, not only that, but they don't have a desire to reach this. You might say 'then they don't deserve graphics card offered by ANet at monthy tournament'. OK, but how would you feel if I said "0,000001% of PvPers can earn money in PvE, the others get absolutely nothing"? Think about it.
So anyway, my first-step motivation boost is giving "fun items" which already exist in the game, to casual (well, all) PvPers for wins in any kind of PvP. Of course, new can be made specifically for PvP.
During special events such item can also be added to the pool of possible fun rewards. I am talking about items such as Snowman Summoner etc.
The casual rewards would be different from win in GvG than win in RA FA TA HA AB etc, in a way that win in GvG would be rewarded more as to promote more such an aspect of PvP.
Some of the standard 'fun item' rewards would include stuff like:
Champagne Poppers
Sugary Blue Drinks
Bottle Rockets
Creme Brulee
...plus event specific items during events
I really don't see any harm in adding some fun. It's not like it would wreck GW economy.
Promoting PvP (demoting Heroes) by giving Fun Items for wins
Servant of Kali
This would all be very fun, but there is one problem that has annoyed me for a while, on Battle Isles, there is only 1 place you can use these items. Great Temple Of Baltazhar, and really, there is only one reason to stand around there, when your testing a builds spiking ability vs AI targets. If these iteams could be ublocked by factions it be awesome. If they could acctully be used in HA, RA, TA, HB (not in match but in the place) it be even more awesome.
But what i really want is that is more stuff to unlock with factions, like reward points for tourneys, if you got enough faction, you could unlock something. It cost alot, but i really have no use for factions anymore, i bet alot of people have the same "problem", what is we could unlock some nice skins for our PvP weapons or just "buy" a cool weapon for factions, not cheap but like regular PvE drop skins, 50k+ faction for a fancy skin, while 10k for a "normal" is enough, that way PvP would be more rewarding.
But what i really want is that is more stuff to unlock with factions, like reward points for tourneys, if you got enough faction, you could unlock something. It cost alot, but i really have no use for factions anymore, i bet alot of people have the same "problem", what is we could unlock some nice skins for our PvP weapons or just "buy" a cool weapon for factions, not cheap but like regular PvE drop skins, 50k+ faction for a fancy skin, while 10k for a "normal" is enough, that way PvP would be more rewarding.
Heroes don't belong in PvP. That much is certain...
But if PvP needs more fun.... then why do so many people do it without such already and seem perfectly contented with it?
I honestly don't understand the PvP mindset (I find it more boring than watching paint dry, personally)... but I'm fully accepting that there are plenty of people who like it just fine the way it is. What you think adding gimmicks to it would do... I don't rightly know.
I have quite a few old fireworks I don't want though..... if you want them or have any use for them...
Maybe transformation potions and whatnot would make it more interesting though.
But if PvP needs more fun.... then why do so many people do it without such already and seem perfectly contented with it?
I honestly don't understand the PvP mindset (I find it more boring than watching paint dry, personally)... but I'm fully accepting that there are plenty of people who like it just fine the way it is. What you think adding gimmicks to it would do... I don't rightly know.
I have quite a few old fireworks I don't want though..... if you want them or have any use for them...
Maybe transformation potions and whatnot would make it more interesting though.
Servant of Kali
Originally Posted by Drinky
If they could acctully be used in HA, RA, TA, HB (not in match but in the place) it be even more awesome.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
then why do so many people do it without such already and seem perfectly contented with it?
Wow just wow.
Maybe I overslept. Is this the year 2007 on planet Earth, ANets GW server?
I honestly don't understand the PvP mindset |
What you think adding gimmicks to it would do... I don't rightly know. |
Seriously, what's up with everyone having an urge to reply to threads they dont even understand? I don't reply in threads about DoA farming, nor do I comment on PvE saying "drops should be removed from missions and quests, I mean, people do them anyway and seem contented, there is no need for gold and item drops".
Originally Posted by Drinky If they could acctully be used in HA, RA, TA, HB (not in match but in the place) it be even more awesome. What? Those items are not to be used in PvP they work exactly like the current items. |
Most of the time, PvPers that get those items in PvP events, just sell them in other outposts.
There is already a thread talking about 'permanent' small rewards in PvP other than those acquire throught tournament points, specially for those with everything already unlocked and such. For example, by trading balthazar points for tokens, then tokens for such items in permanet collectors in the Great Temple of Balthazar.
There is already a thread talking about 'permanent' small rewards in PvP other than those acquire throught tournament points, specially for those with everything already unlocked and such. For example, by trading balthazar points for tokens, then tokens for such items in permanet collectors in the Great Temple of Balthazar.
Servant of Kali
just sell them in other outposts. |
Originally Posted by Drinky
It will tell you, when you are in any of those outposts; "This iteams cannot be used". Making them utterly worthless for PvPers
Utterly worthless for PvPers? Are they utterly useless to PvErs? What's the use of Snowman Summoner to PvEr?
Seriously, did everyone older than 12yrs of age quit this game or what?
Im not much of a PvPer myself, but i can say that this would entice me to do it a bit more often. So its /signed

All they had to do is inplement PvP weapons to be obtained with Balthazar faction, instead of reward points... only the weapons, keep the armors as it is.
Servant of Kali
only the weapons, keep the armors as it is. |
O wait there's a reason - my PvP FoW armor is going to hurt wammo PvErs in Random Arena. Cry me a river.
Complete UAX no less. And exclusive PVP armor and weapon skins which cannot be obtained by PvErs because I like seeing them whine and cry. Oh I'd love that.