Where was the AI when the battle started.
Back to another stupid thing about the AI...but this is one that gets to me. How is it that all but 1-3 of the party members can be wiped out in the first 10 esconds but the last couple of guys can last 3-5 mins running around? Where was their super healing when the battle started. The healer/protector are ALWAYS doing this in Gwen.
Anyone else run into this?
cos its easier to heal one person than 8 people maby?
They were having coffee and bagels at Starbucks.
There was a sales at the Gap.
Originally Posted by wolfwing
Anyone else run into this?
i hear healing is overrated
just run in with mending
just run in with mending

They were playing WoW.
Mhenlo decided to roll a Paladin so he could download porn while healing the group.
Mhenlo decided to roll a Paladin so he could download porn while healing the group.
The erratic behaviour of henchmen imo is due to new A.I techniques implemented by the developers in GW:EN heres my theory as to the A.I techniques used behind the brains of the henchmen.
1) Olias often just stands their with his huge minion army whilst your busy fighting and need his support. This is due to his 'neural net'(think creature from Black and White) which Olias is developing. After 10 minutes of 'learning' from his fellow henchmen Olias will then charge in as to absorb any late-battle spike damage. He will then send the minions in who use the neural net to mimick the fighting style of fellow melee henchmen, without their skills obviously.
2) Mhenlo
Mhenlos A.I is based on the concept of ' the best defence is offence' he is hard coded to decide his best bet is to focus on wanding the mob to death rather than wasting time healing. He uses a 'state machine' to decide when healing is appropiate, this is usually triggered when: AliveTeamMembers<=2.
If anybody else has a better idea as to how the A.I works lets hear it
1) Olias often just stands their with his huge minion army whilst your busy fighting and need his support. This is due to his 'neural net'(think creature from Black and White) which Olias is developing. After 10 minutes of 'learning' from his fellow henchmen Olias will then charge in as to absorb any late-battle spike damage. He will then send the minions in who use the neural net to mimick the fighting style of fellow melee henchmen, without their skills obviously.
2) Mhenlo
Mhenlos A.I is based on the concept of ' the best defence is offence' he is hard coded to decide his best bet is to focus on wanding the mob to death rather than wasting time healing. He uses a 'state machine' to decide when healing is appropiate, this is usually triggered when: AliveTeamMembers<=2.
If anybody else has a better idea as to how the A.I works lets hear it

Henchies don't preprot well (if at all).