Ever since I've started playing, on the second week since the game was released I've seen during my gameplay hours, lots of people who share the same country with me inside the game's community.
I have been before in a reasonable number of "national guilds" in which I base my statement of the Guildwars' Portuguese community is indeed big, and continuously growing and supporting the game experience. Maybe, even bigger than some communities who have their own districts in which persons may communicate in their own language. Anyways, it's a fact that Portugal has a pretty big community of active players - very likely one of the biggest in the game community, growing, surely, and portuguese players are undoubtly a constant presence on the Top Guilds list.
This is why we would like a portuguese district in which we (Portuguese players) can communicate freely in portuguese, find more people who share our "space", becoming friends with new people from our "space", find guild recruits for Arena competition, making easier Portuguese immigrants players (all over the world) can find other players from their first country.
I would like to hear you share your thoughts, comment the cause, any kind supporting is greatly welcomed. Please refrain of flaming, please.

Thank you for your attention, and I hope this comes to ArenaNet's knowledge.