Faithful Spirits [HOPE] is recruiting!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2007



Faithful Spirits [HOPE] is recruiting active Luxon ABers or FFFers to help us rebuild the guild!

We ran into a bit of a problem in the guild with some people and an incident occured. Needless to say, the guild suffered a quite bit of damage and we're trying to recover from it. The incident is over and the only thing left is to deal with the aftermath of the situation.

Currently, the only requirement is to have factions. We just ask players to donate faction as much as they can.

This isn't the [HOPE] that owns Breaker Hollow. This is the sister guild of that [HOPE]. Once we can recover, we have a spot in the [HOPE] alliance of 12mil faction. We just need to get a full guild, and we're on the road to recovery! If there are guilds that are small, they are more than welcome to merge with our guild.

Once we rebuild, we will be doing:
-Active ABs

The username to contact is John Yi. Playtime: 3:00 P.M - 9:30 P.M (EST) 12:00 P.M - 6:30 P.M (-8 GMT)