Since we probably won't be able to see Alliance Guild roosters, which would have been a great addition in organizing alliances, here's an alternative option:
An /officers command. It shows a list of all officers and leaders currently online in the alliance. This can be good in the case of disputes and you need to get hold of an officer/leader to discuss the situation. Or holding alliance meetings etc.
/officers command
or instead of an officers command, there should be a tab in the guild menu that allows you to see online officers in your alliance.
Dean Harper
AND add a column that shows where all the officers/members are (what town or explorable area).
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by Dean Harper
AND add a column that shows where all the officers/members are (what town or explorable area).
1 up and 2 down
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
Loss of privacy.
What if there is a new member that you just helped for like 3 hours that day and you want a break to do stuff by yourself. Then that new member asks for help with another quest so you lie and say you are helping a friend do a mission that is further in the game, in a area they can't get to. Then they just check that tab and find out you are somewhere else, then what? I know that it would cause a pretty awkward situation.

Unless of course you are a real ass and just tell them to quit bothering you. :0
Imori Akari
Originally Posted by 1 up and 2 down
Unless of course you are a real ass and just tell them to quit bothering you. :0
I like the idea but negative on the town/outpost thing. I really don't want people knowing what I am doing as they please
Exactly. Bad idea knowing where everyone is. I would however like to see the rosters for the other guilds in my alliance...spamming AC with "who's there?" is just annoying. I'd like to know if there's anyone on in the alliance rather than talking to myself.