I have been trying to make a black-dyed Fire Wand but no matter which I have tried to dye, all I get is the little red circle with the cross through it so it does not let me.
I have tried this with a Merchant, Collector, and Locked Chest Fire Wands that I have picked up from GWEN but I can not dye any of them. I did get a Fire Wand earlier from a chest in Elonia and was able to dye it fine, so why can't I do the same with ones from GWEN?
Why are Fire Wands from GWEN impossible to dye?
Serenity Divinity
As for Why are they impossible to dye...probably want to ask the game developpers
The Fire Wand crafted in Vasburg/Leviathan pits cannot be dyed.
But the Prophecies Collector Fire Wand from the Crystal Desert, same skin, can be dyed.
Yes, there seems to be an inconsistency which skins can be dyed. For the wands, including Air Wands, did not test Earth Wands and Water Wands, it really matters in which area they dropped.
But the Prophecies Collector Fire Wand from the Crystal Desert, same skin, can be dyed.
Yes, there seems to be an inconsistency which skins can be dyed. For the wands, including Air Wands, did not test Earth Wands and Water Wands, it really matters in which area they dropped.
Yargh. All items should be dyable, and done. Why to keep some undyable? Speciall is the very same skin can be dyed if dropped elsewhere?
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Yargh. All items should be dyable, and done. Why to keep some undyable? Speciall is the very same skin can be dyed if dropped elsewhere?
Well you shouldnt be able to dye green weapons unless you have customised them first and you cant sell them.
Or dying them makes them customised and unsellable! Green weapons have an image to meet and people expect that skin a certain colour when being traded.
Otherwise some guy could sell you a pink Rago's staff and you think "WTF?"!
Or dying them makes them customised and unsellable! Green weapons have an image to meet and people expect that skin a certain colour when being traded.
Otherwise some guy could sell you a pink Rago's staff and you think "WTF?"!
You should be able to dye everything, weapons, your hair, under wears, mini pet etc
Originally Posted by Etta
You should be able to dye everything, weapons, your hair, under wears, mini pet etc
This guy falls asleep while sun bedding.
Serenity Divinity
So is there any reason why Fire Wands from GWEN are not dye-able? Glitch or meant to be that way?
So is there any reason why Fire Wands from GWEN are not dye-able? Glitch or meant to be that way?