i have only being playing 4 months now, and in that 4 months i have watched guildwars sink further and further into a pile of sewerage due ti updates, they nerfed thr running, they nerfed the gold drop's, they nerfed Mesmer's, they change weapons not leaving the old 1 available, they make certain Mission's wich work for Normal Mode but are completely retarded for Hard Mode(ruins of surmia-following rurik) i know they can be done but not as easy with just heros, they make a mission not thinking of how to set it up right(Grand Court of Sebelkeh-6 min's for masters, when trying to do this i noticed after i had claimed a rift magronites(not blasphemy) kept spawning back and reclaiming the rift wich makes masters immpossible on Normal Mode(not to imagine Hard Mode) and for once im not thinking of myself(i have masters) but the poor PUG's i see every day complaining about it in Normal Mode!!!, They Have a huge group next another huge group and even after a successful pull to get bubble distance between the 2 the other group still manage to find us(with a bubbles distance) and run in and mob us, oh and its hard enough to get groups in PvP being a PvP noob but they nerf the fact u have to have atleast 6/8 pug's in ur group to play/do that arena(heros acsent).
they do all this but NERF glint to the point where i can grab henchies and run through the whole mission in 30-40mins and kill glint in less then a minute on Hard Mode
I Know alot of u guru noobs are gonna be like wtf is the point of this ETC. its acctually a thing me and over 100 players have discussed and whinged about this u normally fins the bitch group in shing jea monastry but dont bother anymore as other got sick of pointless bitching.............thats what this is pointless bitching but hoping some 1 will take notice of the problems of A-Net online games!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Over All complete reatardedness of Arena-Net
gloria vander belt
Metal Herc
You have 2 other threads up about the same thing. The others just about as illegible as this one.
gloria vander belt
different things, oh thats right its guru, no 1 reads they just type >.<
1 is about baby sitting missions.
the other is about green weapons.
this one is about A-Net being complete and utter retards!!!!
1 is about baby sitting missions.
the other is about green weapons.
this one is about A-Net being complete and utter retards!!!!
Metal Herc
Complaining about Rurik/NPC's in missions in Hardmode.
Complaining about Items and Anet making changes through updates.
But hey, what do I know. I am a guru noob.
Complaining about Rurik/NPC's in missions in Hardmode.
Complaining about Items and Anet making changes through updates.
But hey, what do I know. I am a guru noob.
I cannot follow your rant.
1. running is easier than ever. Especially the Dervish class is capable of running you everywhere without breaking a sweat.
2. Mesmers are still not the best choice for PvE, but Wandering Eye and the Kurzick/Sunspear skill gave them definitely a boost. When did they get nerfed during the last 4 months?
3. Selbekoh is not that hard, neither on hard nor normal mode. Rank 2 LB gaze helps if you do not have it. It is also nice that you think of the poor PUGs, if they would use half a brain and do it on their own they might make it.
I also wonder why it should be easier or even possible to do HARD MODE Surmia with Heroes only and wonder again, what is the problem with Surmia??? DO YOU WANT TO SAY THIS GAME IS TOO HARD?
That noobs do not get into GOOD groups in HA nowadays is true, but it is quite funny to claim any right to be in a "good" group. I guess you have at least 2-3 friends playing with you, is that not enough?
And now... Glint is too easy. Erm yes...
I know the game has many problems, but you totally fail to make a point. What do you want to say at all?
Something seems to bother you, but god only might know what you wanted to say.
1. running is easier than ever. Especially the Dervish class is capable of running you everywhere without breaking a sweat.
2. Mesmers are still not the best choice for PvE, but Wandering Eye and the Kurzick/Sunspear skill gave them definitely a boost. When did they get nerfed during the last 4 months?
3. Selbekoh is not that hard, neither on hard nor normal mode. Rank 2 LB gaze helps if you do not have it. It is also nice that you think of the poor PUGs, if they would use half a brain and do it on their own they might make it.
I also wonder why it should be easier or even possible to do HARD MODE Surmia with Heroes only and wonder again, what is the problem with Surmia??? DO YOU WANT TO SAY THIS GAME IS TOO HARD?
That noobs do not get into GOOD groups in HA nowadays is true, but it is quite funny to claim any right to be in a "good" group. I guess you have at least 2-3 friends playing with you, is that not enough?
And now... Glint is too easy. Erm yes...
I Know alot of u guru noobs are gonna be like wtf is the point of this ETC. its acctually a thing me and over 100 players have discussed and whinged about this u normally fins the bitch group in shing jea monastry but dont bother anymore as other got sick of pointless bitching.............thats what this is pointless bitching but hoping some 1 will take notice of the problems of A-Net online games!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Something seems to bother you, but god only might know what you wanted to say.
QQ moar??
do people like this think we dont already know all this from all the other QQ threads?!
do people like this think we dont already know all this from all the other QQ threads?!
So basically, you find the game too hard, is that it?
Government Flu
Not every game can be designed to fit with every person's parameters. If you find the mission too difficult, I suggest looking for help and advice using this forum or a guildwiki.
Nothing is too hard if you know how to play the right way. You've only been on Guild Wars for 4 months, and it takes more than that to truly master a game. I suggest you be more patient in your approach. Trust me, we've all had our moments of frustration.
You just have to rise above it.
Nothing is too hard if you know how to play the right way. You've only been on Guild Wars for 4 months, and it takes more than that to truly master a game. I suggest you be more patient in your approach. Trust me, we've all had our moments of frustration.
You just have to rise above it.
Ranting is bad and not allowed if you don't have some sort of point to it.