This is a list of issues I found:
- Volume may be too low for some tracks, and to high for others.
- It's impossible to know the name of the track.
- You have to hit F11 to see if you are playing additional tracks.
You can just turn of the music, open the media player, and play the files manually. But I think there are some fixes that could be made with not many effort.
- Allow the volume slider to modify the [xxx] values inside the GuildWars.ds file. That way, if you increase or decrease the volume ingame, it will be stored in the GuildWars.ds file. The clint can already create template files, and the GuildWArs.ds is just another text fle, o this is possible. Of course, downloading again the DirectSong files will overwrite such values, bu that is still better than having to manually edit the file anytime you download it.
- Directsong music could have its own volume slider, grayed if no additional tracks are playing.
Tracks Playing
- Make another 'led' in a shape of a quaver, and the size of the Ping led, that can be show-hidden like other panels. Anytime a music bonus track plays, the icon appears.
Track names
- Moving the pointer over the icon will show the current file name (or even information in the file info, like Title and Album)
Adittionally, there are some other things that could enhance the music, but they are 'bonus' to this suggestion, the main ones are those stated above.
Here come the additional ones:
- Choose tack:
By clicking the DS icon or led, a menu or panel would popup. The panel would show the subfolders of the DirecSong folder, and selecting them would show the tracks nside of that folder (album), picking one - exactly as picking templates - would play it...
- Chose track options...or show another final menu with:
*'Add to this area': The music is added to a Personal.ds file, and is played anytime you are in that particular location (i.e: Perdition Rock, Lion's Arch...), *'Add to this region': The music is added to a Personal.ds file, and is played anytime you are in that particular region (i.e: Fire Islands, Kryta...),
*'Play now': The file starts palying instantly.
*'Add to playlist': The track is added to a Playlist.ds file.
- Play options:
Under the main music options, there could be option to chose what do you want to play:
* Play normally: Play using the GuildWars.ds file.
* Disable music: Mute all music.
* Disable Directsong: Do not play direcstong upgrades.
* Playlist: Play the Playlist.ds file you created ingame or manually.
* Hold current track: When you like very much the current theme and you want it a bit more.
Please, if you do not have DirectSong upgrades, refrain from answering this thread, since you don't care about it.
If you want DirectSong upgrades, the Sorrows Furnace free expansion pack is available for everyone. Download and try it before answering here. You may like it and buy more: