It’s a nice day, the mirror didn’t scare me this morning, I’ve got things to do and plans’ for later.
Hmmm, what caused this feeling?
Oh yes. I played GW with my coffee.
But that can’t be the problem. Last night we had great fun, almost a party, everyone listening to the same net radio, dancing, endless totally random chat
Must be something else.

I wonder if it’s the new poverty. The finding that I’m getting poorer unless I ‘work’. Oh silly, a computer game is an enjoyment, an entertainment, something created to give pleasure. It can’t be work, work is ironing, washing smelly socks, finding the socks.

I’m not poor. 300k is nice to have. Ok I did work incredibly hard to get it doing the same 4 quests over and over again.
Oh I remember now. I was slowly getting poorer before, I think I had 8k, parasite heroes taking everything, the occasional something nice costing a bit too much. Then I ‘worked’ (I wish I had one of those bot armies) and got enough together to make some of them happy, buy a mini pet as a gift for a friend and that so cool vabbi jacket I keep for special days.

But this morning, coffee, croissant, sunshine and GW. it’s back to the drudgery. Around I go in an attempt to get the ‘so totally anal’ cartographer title

Looking around now, 19 level 20 Heket for 10 gold makes me feel like I’m unwanted. How will my having a title compensate for my permanently grey armour, because to feed my heroes I don’t dare waste gold on dye. When I go all over the place killing everything I’ll very occasionally find a gold. But why bother doing that, It’ll be some not quite useable shield with an inscription called ‘one step forward two steps back’. Oh and don’t get me started on those dreadful chests.

I wonder if there’s a low dose Prozac. One for mid level GW gamers.
For me the enjoyment comes from all sorts of things. The place itself; I love the chill feeling in the mountains, that creepy emptiness east of Dunes of Despair. I love the stories, the little day to day issues the npc have. I love the fun when it’s time to socialise. I used to love that I could afford buy things; that I found useable weapons and the idea that I was eventually going to get the nice looking Luxon armor.

But what I don’t like, what is pushing me back to dusting, the overpowered dyson and the cat litter tray is the almost total lack of drops, the new poverty. I don’t remember ever playing a game so noticeably stingy. I can go almost everywhere, kill most things. But a few whites and blues are no compensation for the effort. I’m sure I’m not really much different from the majority of players, well in fact that’s not true, I do play too many hours.
If I’m feeling the need to save my gold like a Japanese housewife, so I have enough for some special set of skills or weapons needed in a particular mission, what must be happening to the poor new players desperate to get enough together for AL45.
It is really ridiculous that the ‘ecomony’ is more important than the enjoyment provided by the game. Don’t give me fancy words in the hall of monuments if I can’t afford to look fancy.
So my anti-depression plan. The next time I need to be reminded about work, I’ll ‘play’ GW as the designers intend. Until then I’ll window shop, meet my friends, be random on local chat and log off when CSI starts.