Tyria's Next Top Model Cycle 3 Applications and FAQ



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Tyria's Next Top Model Cycle 3 is launching October 07, 2007 and the search for the Next Top Model begins! We are looking for ten (10) new applicants, if you think you have what it takes to be Tyria's Next Top Model than send in an application!

By applying, you understand that...

1. You must follow the rules and guidelines that the TNTM competition hold as well as those of the GWGuru forum and in not doing so will and can cost your position in the competition depending on the severity of the offense.

2. All times noted are in PST unless otherwise specified.

3. It is your duty to find any and all information that you need to be successful in the competition; we will help you as much as we can, but we cannot help you if you do not ask!

4. Having any circumstances and or problems that will prevent you from completing any assignment does not excuse you from that week of competition, while it is unfortunate, it is not fair to the other contestants to give favorable treatment to any single contestant.

5. All assignments are handled through the English language and that we cannot accommodate for any other language. We will accept any language and will try to help you through the competition as much as we can, but you will be at a definite disadvantage.

6. You are willing and able to devote time to the competition within it's entire run during October 2007 ~ January 2008 under your normal schedule.

7. The competition is a fan created project for fans by fans of the "Next Top Model" franchise and is in no way tied to the official television series or Arena Net.

To apply, fill out the information below and send it to [email protected] (Notice the Underscore between TNTM and Representative)with the subject line as:
TNTM3 APPLICATION <Insert Your Applying Character Name>

I will send an "Application Received Notice" to every application that I've gotten, if you have not gotten a receive notice, than please send your application again.

You may also send a private message through GWGuru Forums as well.


1. Name of Character applying and primary profession.

2. Your Time Zone and Game District you play in.

3. Have you kept up with either TNTM Cycle 1, TNTM Cycle 2, PreSearing Top Model, TMW 1, TNTS 1, or any other screenshot type competition? If so, what contestant(s) have you liked from either competition and why?

4. Have you kept up with any of the Next Top Model television series (i.e. America's Next Top Model, Canada's Next Top Model, Britain's Next Top Model, Australia's Next Top Model, etc.)? If so, what contestant(s) have you liked from either competition and why?

5. Why do you want to participate in Tyria's Next Top Model Cycle 3?

6. Send in three pictures based from ANY previous TNTM Cycles' Assignments and be sure to label each, do not exactly copy the pictures but execute them to your own accord. (i.e. Ciao Bello!, Models Gone Wild, Rally The Gods!, Caldendar - Month, Seven Deadly Sins, Land Of Heroes, etc.)

You may also repeat questions 1 and 6 for a secondary character if you are willing to substitute between your original choice.

Based of the application, top candidates will be chosen to complete the rest of the application which will consist of a single randomly chosen question to see how you will answer a particular question without time to prepare your answer.

Application Deadline is September 30, 2007, the final ten that will preceed into the competition will be announced on October 6, 2007.

Any other questions and or comments? Please do not hesitate to contact me through email or PM!


1. Why the long wait for TNTM Cycle 3?
- The time off was much needed! Spitting out Cycle after Cycle can get overwhelming, with more and more screenshot competitions popping up, more and more people can experience the fun of such a great competition without needing to wait for the next TNTM!

2. Why is there only ten contestants this Cycle?
- Christmas is the busiest time of the year for work, and with finals and the holidays, time will be hectic, reducing the numbers will ease the competition's run and duration.

3. What happened to TNTM Survival Of The Fiercest?
- The TNTM All-Stars concept will be done in place of TNTM Cycle 4 which will be held sometime early 2008. TNTM Survival Of The Fiercest will feature an All-Star cast with previous contestants from TNTM Cycles 1-3. This will also mark the last TNTM contest that will be held by us.

4. Is Tyria's Next Top Model over?
- Not at all! I hope not! Although TNTM Survival Of The Fiercest will be our last, someone will be assigned of taking over after I bow out as host and pass the torch to the next potential host of TNTM.

5. Why will TNTM Survival Of The Fiercest the last you will do?
- I am officially transferring to a University in fall 2008 and will have next to no time to host such an extensive competition! I absolutely care about my competition and will assign someone dedicated to be its new caretaker!

6. Who will take over TNTM?
- I'm hoping, that the possible candidates will join me on panel as judges during TNTM Survival Of The Fiercest, this will give me a chance to see how active and determined they are as well as get an insight on how they evaluate. Since TNTM Survival Of The Fiercest will be done in a sort of "Survivor" (the television reality show) style, the contestants will vote out each other instead of the judges, so it will be an intern type situation for the new side judges. Of course this is not guaranteed if candidates refuse the offer.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower



and after i like just asked in the super stars thread where yo've beeeen xDDD

OMG I'm gonna try and apply this time cos i'll have more time despite the fact i'm in college o_O

wheee ^_^

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


It would be nice if applicant had access to the TNTM1 Thread. I think by now it's been removed. I searched the forums for it, no luck finding it. I only found TNTM2 because slayer hasn't updated the "popular threads" post in a long time.

To make it easier to find TNTM2 thread, click Here.

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]



There you go. Cycle 1 of TNTM. Enjoy.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Woohoo, I sent in my Application. ^_^ I'm so glad there's a new season! I have been waiting and wondering for a while. I cannot wait, I really hope I get in!


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

Englishmen Don't Drink [Tea]


Quick question, with the pics from previous contests, do we have to answer the attendant questions?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Oh I really love the picture Nilene!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

I have a question. I used text in my pictures, and I cropped them of course. Would you like the uncropped or Un-Texted pictures also?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Originally Posted by vergerefosh
Quick question, with the pics from previous contests, do we have to answer the attendant questions?
Absolutely not! If you already have sent in answers for the questions, that's fine, but it wont help/hurt you.

I have a question. I used text in my pictures, and I cropped them of course. Would you like the uncropped or Un-Texted pictures also? Just the cropped versions will be acceptable!

Also, we will start picking out the top applicants on September 28, 2007, so don't stress if you haven't heard from us from at least that day!

Feel free to ask if anyone else have any other questions!

Good luck!


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

Englishmen Don't Drink [Tea]


OK, sent mine in via PM. Be interesting to see how it goes

The Last Anthem

The Last Anthem

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

my guildhall.


wow it seems just last week was cycle 2 haha
good luck everyone applying and have fun, I would apply but my week break from GW has turned into a 3month break now :/



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


I am looking forward to seeing the girls of next cycle =) I just wanted to wish everyone luck on the applications!!

Tender Wolf

Tender Wolf


Join Date: Jul 2007

All over Tyria, Cantha, & Elona

The Eternal Night Vanguard [TEN]


Just sent in my application! This looks like a lot of fun. Never thought I'd be involved in any beauty pageant. lol Good luck to everyone!

Roguish Seraph

Roguish Seraph

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005





whoops a little late...sorry I've been hiding it >D

Diva Signet

Diva Signet

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



A Short Story:

So I saw TNTM Cycle three and went, "Hmm...I saw Cycle One and thought it would be somewhat lacking on execution. Maybe there was something to it." I went back and read the entire Cycle One thread and saw that it, in fact, wasn't lacking on execution and it was enjoyable to read. I would read Cycle Two if I had the time, but alas, this University thing is kinda important.

I was considering entering cycle three, but I decided that I'd leave it to people who obviously are a lot more motivated and want to win more than I do, and that I'll content myself with enjoying the products of contestants that I'm sure are going to be wonderful.

Anyway, the point of this post is to say all the people who work on and with TMNT do a wonderful job with it and I think it's awesome that the Guild Wars community could support something like this - I couldn't read the first thread and not offer my congratulations on a job well done. Very much looking forward to Cycle Three.

big papi

big papi

Town Dweller

Join Date: Dec 2005

on the LOST island


my naked male mesmer would win any type of model competition



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Washington State.



Originally Posted by big papi
my naked male mesmer would win any type of model competition So true.......

Morag D

Morag D

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2007




ah, well, I'd really like to participate, but with TNS going on plus moving to the UK next saturday and everything, I don't think I'll have enough time... meh.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Oct 2006


Runners of the Rose [RR]


I'm really thinking about entering again too, but I'm just not sure how I'll have time to handle two competitions. Still, I have so many pretty characters I'd love to see modeling... :3 Rawr... a few more days left to decide.

Good luck to everyone who gets in!



Bad Romance

Join Date: May 2006

Aussie Trolling Crew HQ - Grand Matron


I would so love to enter again.. I had an absolute blast last cycle... But am I allowed?
(If anyone is considering this, and unsure, I can't recommend it enough! Lady Nilene has an incredible competition, the original and best :P )

Roguish Seraph

Roguish Seraph

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005




Oh I know you guys can enter two competitions. Learn from Noa hehe



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Good question!

Absolutely, previous contestants from either Cycle may reapply, but you do come in with a disadvantage of being judged with comparison to your previous performance. Previous contestants have the experience and knowledge of how the competition works and what it takes to excel, so they do have a slight upperhand. So in retrospect, we will expect more from past contestants reapplying with *new* characters, ones previously used are officially retired from the competition!

And thanks to the comments! As always, feel free to contact me for any other questions or concerns!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Boy I am so excited!!! Haha. I cant wait.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower


are we allowed to post outtakes here or will there be another thread like for the last one? oO

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]


There will be a seperate feedback request thread like last cycle when the contest starts.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower


kay :O

..*stabs length limit* >_>;


and sent application!

*proceeds to run around like a chicken with her head cut off* x__x



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


I Need Scissors [Aivo]


Originally Posted by Roguish Seraph
Oh I know you guys can enter two competitions. Learn from Noa hehe Protip: you guys really don't want to participate in two competitions at the same time. Trust me :<.

Heavenly Messanger

Heavenly Messanger

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2007

Looking for one >.>


When you say 3 photos based on past assignments, i assume you mean 1 to each assignment, not 3 focusing on one? Thanks ^_^

I fianlly have time to actually sit down and take some decent screens. I must say I am rather embarrased about my hideous performance in TNS. ;x

Oh well, I hope i make it through this time ^_^.




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Grenths Rejects [GR]


Application sent! I need (mostly want) to buy more armors, but I'm sitting at 30k and that prevents me from getting any full sets, and any nice dyes to go with them. And I don't think I would have enough storage/inventory space. Q_Q



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Should we have gotten our "application received notice" already? If so, I didn't get one.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower


Same here and isn't today the deadline?

I'm already regretting on at least one of the shots i sent it T_T I thought of better ways it could have been done ._.;

Morag D

Morag D

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2007




ah well, I'll keep watching from the sidelines. I managed one attempt at an application picture, and I very much like it, but it's only one of three, and honestly I got enough to do without TNTM anyway

I'll be open for helping out with assignments though, if someone wishes it...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


[QUOTE=Laenavesse]isn't today the deadline?QUOTE]

It's the 30th today's the 28th if i'm not mistaken. You were getting me nervous =/

Haven't sent mine it. Took a couple shots, i'm happy with some, but I didn't really have as much time as I wanted to spend on it. Oh well.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower


oh okay @_@

i was toggling between the 28th and 30th but i got stuck with 28th @_@

two more days..i still would like to hear if she even got the application though ;_;

and yeah i can go without it, there's nothing stopping nonparticipants to "participate" in the assignments xD


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

Englishmen Don't Drink [Tea]


Got mine after a while of worrying whether it would go through.

Hopefully my mesmer will get in. She so purty



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Wait, Verge, you got your application received notice?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

Englishmen Don't Drink [Tea]


Yup, took a few days though, sent one in by PM, got worried whether it was received or not, e-mailed one in, couple of days later got the received one via PM. My PM box makes it 6 days between sending and receiving. sent 18th, received 24th, so don't worry about it, I'm sure it will come. Would be a bit dull if was just me wouldn't it? I'd probably still lose though :P



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Hmmm, I really hope I get mine. I sent it in through email on like...the second day.

Chyra Deathblade

Chyra Deathblade

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

GWonline Guild(GWO)



I might give this another shot. (With a different character, of course.)
Had a blast during the first cycle, but, eventually, I was consumed by real life, and had to do a last minute screenshot sort of thing. I have a little more free time now, and I want really push myself this time around.

Well, you know, considering I make it through the applications round.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Phew, I sent an application through PM too. I feel relieved now! I hope I get an application received notice soon. =) I cannot wait! Good luck everybody!