Humans and other races well versed in the art of magic, they use powerful symbols, staves, and other world forces to inflict damage, create barriers, and increase natural abilities.
(based on a bunch of old grimioures I have stuffed away for when I feel like reading something occult)
Basic Statistics
Max Health- 450 (weak in melee combat)
Max Energy- 30
Max Armor- 50 (+20 vs. ranged, +20 vs. elemental)
Max Focus- Symbolstick +12 energy (+8 energy while a symbol is in effect)
New Stuff
symbolic magic drawn out on the ground. These types of spells take a longer time to cast, consume a lot less energy, and are a lot more potent. Also this type of magic is not subject to spell interruption (or spell damage by hexes) until 1 second before it is cast (a mesmer can't drain the power out of a spell that isn't manifesting yet)
Staff Magic-
This type of magic requires the channeling abilities of a staff or wand to use. It is incredibly quick magic that only requires a single word to two sentences to trigger. This type of magic is not as potent as Symbols and consumes a lot of energy.
Instant Spell-
This is a subtype of spell (not enchantment or hex) it consumes a ton of energy but has a very unique ability. While casting an Instant spell, the minimum casting time is 3 seconds, but if it is interrupted in any way (knockdown or skill) then it casts instantaneously, but with only 50% of it's original power (say the full spell with the full incantation would do 100 damage, possible, if it is interrupted by a nearbye warrior using shove this spell activates anyway but only does 50 damage.)
Magicka- (Primary Attribute) *def: archaic synonym for magic*
For every point in this attribute all Magician skills cost 2% less energy and recharge 2% faster. For every 5 points in this, the magician recieves .1% less damage from all spells.
Symbolic Mastery-
Includes many symbol spells.
Staff Mastery-
Includes Staff spells and increases the damage the Magician can do with a staff.
Obscurity Mastery-
Includes instant spells and a few symbol spells.
Sample Skills
Symbol Master- 15 energy 3 cast 12 recharge
[elite enchantment] for 5...50 seconds, all your symbols cast 10...33% faster and you gain 1...3 energy.
Symbolic Mastery
Life Markings- 5 energy 2 cast 12 recharge
(Symbol) all nearbye allies are healed for 5...30 health. 1...3 nearbye foes take 5...30 damage.
Transmutation Circlet- 5 energy 4 cast 20 recharge
(Symbol) target foe's armor is replaced with wood for 5...20 seconds. During this time, that foe suffers -10...40 armor.
Greater Transmutation Circlet- 5 energy 6 cast 10 recharge
[elite Symbol] Target foe's weapon is turned into water during the first 2 seconds, then ice during the next 4 seconds. That foe cannot attack or move for 1...3 seconds after this spell is cast.
Guarding symbol- 5 energy 1 cast 12 recharge
(Symbol) for 5...10 seconds, you create 4 walls around yourself composed of the element your standing on, (if it's water, ice walls. If it's earth, stone walls, if it's grass or green, Vine Walls) no creature including you can pass through these walls or attack through them. Projectile spells are also useless.
Repairing Mark- 5 energy 4 cast 4 recharge
(Symbol) all nearbye allies suffering from cracked armor have their armor fixed. All nearbye allies suffering from armor penalties due to hexes gain +5...40 armor for 10 seconds (non-cumulative).
Lifeprice symbol- 10 energy 12 cast 24 recharge
[elite symbol] every 2 seconds during the casting of this symbol sacrifice 4% of your remaining life. All dead allies in the area are ressurected for 5...60 seconds with full health and energy. Any death while under this fake ressurection does not affect death penalty.
Staff Mastery
Matterspell- 15 energy 8 recharge
(Staff Spell) absorb the environment around you, target foe takes 5...100 damage, type of damage is based on the element you're standing on.
Call of the Heavens- 25 energy 24 recharge
(Staff Spell) bring powerful energy bolts down from heaven. All nearbye foes are hit with 1...10 energy bolts each bolt deals 1...10 holy damage.
Destructive Art- 25 energy 12 recharge
[Elite Staff Spell] target touched foe is struck for 1...120 holy damage. This spell causes exhaustion.
Obscurity Mastery
Darkwave- 25 energy 6 cast 12 recharge
(Instant Spell) all nearbye foes are struck for 1...100 chaos damage. If you are under the effects of a symbol or enchantment, this spell inflicts an additional 5...25 damage.
Vibrant Blossoms- 25 energy 3 cast 24 recharge
[Elite Instant Spell] target foe and all nearbye foes are struck for 5...100 damage. Any foes entering that area for 5 seconds afterward are also struck for 5...100 damage.
Thousand Blossoming Blades- 25 energy 12 cast 4 recharge
[Elite instant Spell] all foes in the area are struck for 5...100 damage each second for 1...2 seconds. (Maximum 200 damage). This spell causes exhaustion.