Why is cartography still this way even after years of doing it in other games.
Time and patience - yes
Skill and brains - no, but then what does in pve ? I don't consider myself a "skilled" player yet I've managed to hero/hench three continents so far (and get LGMC). Can't be arsed finishing EotN yet.
It should take time, if something's handed to you on a plate (and yes I would consider eradicating the wall hugging to be exactly that) it's worthless. Personally I found maxing out lightbringer a whole lot more tedious...
/jump in wurm - kill stuff, lather, rinse, repeat.
Skill and brains - no, but then what does in pve ? I don't consider myself a "skilled" player yet I've managed to hero/hench three continents so far (and get LGMC). Can't be arsed finishing EotN yet.
It should take time, if something's handed to you on a plate (and yes I would consider eradicating the wall hugging to be exactly that) it's worthless. Personally I found maxing out lightbringer a whole lot more tedious...
/jump in wurm - kill stuff, lather, rinse, repeat.
Originally Posted by Saraphim
...Personally I found maxing out lightbringer a whole lot more tedious...
/jump in wurm - kill stuff, lather, rinse, repeat. |
But people have gotten used to what is required for GMC, and many have gone to the trouble of getting it with the current mechanics. So that horse is long dead.
Ok, here is my not so humble opinion on this topic.
Enter area, hug wall, make sure you keep hugging wall till you are back at the original entrance. Then check the middle of the area, there might be some spots you missed there. If all clear, enter next area, repeat above.
Make sure you can fully explore when you enter an area or make sure you can remember where you stopped exploring.
All maps have far more than 100% to be explored, so you don't have to cover all ground.
While comparing tools are very usefull, when you start exploring from the start there is no need.
Many people think that because they have like 80% and they finished the game it's an easy title.
Well, most of the time it's not. The sole reason is that because you did not explore from the start you most probably have the remaining 20% shattered in tiny bits.
Meaning you most probably have to walk all the areas again, searching for the last bits that are hard to see.
Now a reply on the OP:
Well, the reason is simple.
When you did not walk there, you would not have really explored all the land, wouldn't you.
Because you have seen the edges does not mean you have been there!
Enter area, hug wall, make sure you keep hugging wall till you are back at the original entrance. Then check the middle of the area, there might be some spots you missed there. If all clear, enter next area, repeat above.
Make sure you can fully explore when you enter an area or make sure you can remember where you stopped exploring.
All maps have far more than 100% to be explored, so you don't have to cover all ground.
While comparing tools are very usefull, when you start exploring from the start there is no need.
Many people think that because they have like 80% and they finished the game it's an easy title.
Well, most of the time it's not. The sole reason is that because you did not explore from the start you most probably have the remaining 20% shattered in tiny bits.
Meaning you most probably have to walk all the areas again, searching for the last bits that are hard to see.
Now a reply on the OP:
why must a part of the map I can't even walk to need to be filled in to get 100%? |
When you did not walk there, you would not have really explored all the land, wouldn't you.
Because you have seen the edges does not mean you have been there!
Either this is a rant. then > Inbefore the close
Otherwise put in to Sardelac Sanitarium.
GMC is fine how it is. You don't complain about not getting protector at 12/13 or 19/20. Same goes for not killing all the creatures for vanquishing. Stop complaining about this, and start about real things that are wrong with GW.
Like GWEN Related stuff (Reskins, Crap Skin End greens, Grind tastic)
Otherwise put in to Sardelac Sanitarium.
GMC is fine how it is. You don't complain about not getting protector at 12/13 or 19/20. Same goes for not killing all the creatures for vanquishing. Stop complaining about this, and start about real things that are wrong with GW.
Like GWEN Related stuff (Reskins, Crap Skin End greens, Grind tastic)
Commander Ryker
Ditto, I hate wall hugging.
Does GW:EN count/help for the title?
*Runs off to check Tyria percentage*
Edit: Rats, it doesn't.
Originally Posted by ForgeWhelp
Use Texmod for mapping, makes it 200% easier. And you can still get 100% tyria with or without GW:EN....
*Runs off to check Tyria percentage*
Edit: Rats, it doesn't.
Roo Ella
2 years and I'm still at 96.8%
for profs
The rest is out there somewhere I just know it and i'll find it one day when I have time lol

The rest is out there somewhere I just know it and i'll find it one day when I have time lol
You guys can make all of the arguments/excuses you want. The OP is correct this is stupid. It is just another half assed implementation on ANet's part.
The title was implemented as a way to show that you have visited 100% of the map. A player can visit 100% of the map, and if they didn't hug the wall and look goofy and walk sideways and spend an inordinate amount of time standing in corners of the map looking like he was trying to find a place to take a leak, then he doesn't get to 100%.
Did I visit 100% of the map YES, did I hug the wall NO, should I get credit for 100% YES, do I care NO.
Did ANet do a poor job on this YES, but that is hardly surprising.
The title was implemented as a way to show that you have visited 100% of the map. A player can visit 100% of the map, and if they didn't hug the wall and look goofy and walk sideways and spend an inordinate amount of time standing in corners of the map looking like he was trying to find a place to take a leak, then he doesn't get to 100%.
Did I visit 100% of the map YES, did I hug the wall NO, should I get credit for 100% YES, do I care NO.
Did ANet do a poor job on this YES, but that is hardly surprising.
Well unless some of the areas I'm unlocking are areas that arn't required to get 100% then it's seriously impossible to 100%. Some areas just refuse to unlock. Like west of Blackwater tide there is a part of the map that looks to be unlockable from 3 zones, yet wall hugging all three does nothing, nothing unlocked, I did it 3 times. In Gandara there was a part of the map that wouldn't show up on the south east corner despite completly wall hugging the entire part there.
More QQ wil help you atain your title, not cross mapping in photoshop or using an texmod. /end sarcasm
I don't find it as simple as going out and hugging a wall. Chances are you have to kill enemies while you're at it which I happen to find more of a nuisance than hugging the wall itself. That's why vanquisher is ideal to go for while you explore. You can vanquish and then go back around and hug hug hug those walls =]
I personally like it and would hate to see it change.
I personally like it and would hate to see it change.
Originally Posted by booooYA
I don't find it as simple as going out and hugging a wall. Chances are you have to kill enemies while you're at it which I happen to find more of a nuisance than hugging the wall itself. That's why vanquisher is ideal to go for while you explore. You can vanquish and then go back around and hug hug hug those walls =]
I personally like it and would hate to see it change. |
I would be willing to bet when ANet came up with this title, they had no idea that people who had unfogged what appeared to be 100% of the map would have to go back and hug the walls to actually achieve 100%. I stand by my point that it was yet another poor, sloppy implementation.
Cartography is the dumbest, most brain-dead grind of a title there ever was. Extraordinarily lame.
October Jade
Originally Posted by cebalrai
Cartography is the dumbest, most brain-dead grind of a title there ever was. Extraordinarily lame.
How can you say that when we have titles like Unlucky, Drunkard, LDoA, and Sweet Tooth? At least cartography requires that you DO something. I concede that it involves more patience than skill, but it's nowhere near as pointless and asinine as the others I mentioned.
To address another concern, I reached Tyrian GMC without using Photoshop or any sort of modding procedure. The guide posted on the wiki provided ample assistance without making the process retardedly easy.
QQ moar pl0x.
The solution is simple: If you dont like the title, dont try for it.
And while we are at it, If you dont like the rules why play the game.
The title is fine as is and implemented as intended. Just stepping into a zone i could say ive visited 100% of the zones, but by no means could I say I explored 100%.
I do have LGMC and I did it the way they designed it. I explored every nook and cranny there was. I got my 100% on all 3 continents and still had leftover so that tells you right there they actually were generous with leeway.
And while we are at it, If you dont like the rules why play the game.
The title is fine as is and implemented as intended. Just stepping into a zone i could say ive visited 100% of the zones, but by no means could I say I explored 100%.
I do have LGMC and I did it the way they designed it. I explored every nook and cranny there was. I got my 100% on all 3 continents and still had leftover so that tells you right there they actually were generous with leeway.
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
The solution is simple: If you dont like the title, dont try for it.
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
And while we are at it, If you dont like the rules why play the game.
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
The title is fine as is and implemented as intended. Just stepping into a zone i could say ive visited 100% of the zones, but by no means could I say I explored 100%.
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
I do have LGMC and I did it the way they designed it. I explored every nook and cranny there was. I got my 100% on all 3 continents and still had leftover so that tells you right there they actually were generous with leeway.
City of Heroes handles this same concept a lot better.
They have exploration badges - these are hidden at various points in every zone and finding them gives you a little history on the setting.
That game takes advantage of the Z-axis in putting some of these on the tops of buildings or behind billboards, etc.
No map hugging and no uncovering all the blurs - but you have to go everywhere and be able to survive past everything to collect them all.
GW:2 could do something similar if it is to take place a few hundred years later - various badges could highlight where 'famous' battles in GW:1 took place. Go to the spot where, centuries ago, Prince Rurik bought the farm. Or find the spot where, centuries ago, your ancestor became ascended. Find where Gwen was captured. Find where the humans first attacked the Charr thousands of years ago when kicking them out of Tyria, then find the spot where the Charr started the Searing to get Tyria back.
Those would be 'cartographer titles' with meaning.
Obviously you couldn't hide them the same way CoH does - on the tops of buildings. But you could still hide them well and use the new Z-Axis as a means for this. Put them in places people won't just 'pass by' going from mob A to mob B, but will only go if they're looking to check out your amazing graphics and scenic views. For example in Pre-searing behind the wall you can wander to some spots way away from the quest back there that give some beautiful screenshots of the sky and mountains, etc... perfect kind of spot to hide an 'exploration title.'
They have exploration badges - these are hidden at various points in every zone and finding them gives you a little history on the setting.
That game takes advantage of the Z-axis in putting some of these on the tops of buildings or behind billboards, etc.
No map hugging and no uncovering all the blurs - but you have to go everywhere and be able to survive past everything to collect them all.
GW:2 could do something similar if it is to take place a few hundred years later - various badges could highlight where 'famous' battles in GW:1 took place. Go to the spot where, centuries ago, Prince Rurik bought the farm. Or find the spot where, centuries ago, your ancestor became ascended. Find where Gwen was captured. Find where the humans first attacked the Charr thousands of years ago when kicking them out of Tyria, then find the spot where the Charr started the Searing to get Tyria back.
Those would be 'cartographer titles' with meaning.
Obviously you couldn't hide them the same way CoH does - on the tops of buildings. But you could still hide them well and use the new Z-Axis as a means for this. Put them in places people won't just 'pass by' going from mob A to mob B, but will only go if they're looking to check out your amazing graphics and scenic views. For example in Pre-searing behind the wall you can wander to some spots way away from the quest back there that give some beautiful screenshots of the sky and mountains, etc... perfect kind of spot to hide an 'exploration title.'
Originally Posted by mr_groovy
More QQ wil help you atain your title, not cross mapping in photoshop or using an texmod. /end sarcasm
I judge this quite simple. Exploring areas and finding new places is fun. Hugging walls in every zone is not fun.
I can't comprehend how people are defending hugging walls. Can you honestly say you have a fun time spending hours walking close to every wall? Do you like to see textures all blurred and filling half the screen?
I can't comprehend how people are defending hugging walls. Can you honestly say you have a fun time spending hours walking close to every wall? Do you like to see textures all blurred and filling half the screen?
Whta it should be is, if the edge of the map you can reach is in your agro bubble then you should have it count. I shouldn't need to run up and down a section of the map for 5 mins looking for that one foot long spot that I need to stumble on, and was hiding behind a rock, and WHILE I was hugging the wall my char automaticly skipped that area due to delay between moving forward and moving left, especially around a corner. Going through the map with cartography made easier...I can safley say this is the dumbest title ever. Maybe some of you who are defending it havn't tried this, and see just how small a room for error there is, even with the bonus %, it's quiet easy to walk along the edge of the map and miss a section even if careful. Little side doors in a area can be that part of the map, a rock with a narrow path between them that goes up a extra two feet, but your char may miss hugging the wall will count.
They should at least tell you what you are missing in each zone
Originally Posted by booooYA
...You can vanquish and then go back around and hug hug hug those walls =]
.... |
Originally Posted by arcady
Etc... Those would be 'cartographer titles' with meaning. ....' |
k some points here
a - a zone with the size of your radar in Nighfall and chanta is about 0.1% of exploration but in prophecies map same area is 0.05%
b - complete map of a campaign is about 100.7% so a player that have 96% and think he is near the end he is wrong ... its here problems start and where you see who want the tittle and who dont ... 4% is a area with almost the size of ring of fire .. but splited .. this means long hours of comparing maps.
c - to huge walls you have to clear the enemies too including missions (harder here if its time based ones) ... or you think enemies run away of you because you are exploring ? so for this it takes the same time of a vanquish + the time of huge walls (just thing in a zone like droks run for explore)
d - you have areas you only acess with necrotic or some assassin skills to shadow step ex. evenia zone on wilds + dunes misson + rurik path + hidden area on factions ... acessible arenas count .... some challenge missions zones count ... in factions its impossible to find a team to enter jade quarry unless you get all your guild to help you ... and theres really mutch more ....
e - if you ask all players that went for that tittle it was a really hard fight of many weeks ... but trust me when i say theres nothing more gratefull in GW that see that 100% flash on screen when you get it
so in conclusion you wish to have the tittle ? ... Fight for it and do it like all other cartographers did ... instead of try to ask anet to put the tittle on your hand ... if you cant get it you have always the very dificult drunk tittle to achive
a - a zone with the size of your radar in Nighfall and chanta is about 0.1% of exploration but in prophecies map same area is 0.05%
b - complete map of a campaign is about 100.7% so a player that have 96% and think he is near the end he is wrong ... its here problems start and where you see who want the tittle and who dont ... 4% is a area with almost the size of ring of fire .. but splited .. this means long hours of comparing maps.
c - to huge walls you have to clear the enemies too including missions (harder here if its time based ones) ... or you think enemies run away of you because you are exploring ? so for this it takes the same time of a vanquish + the time of huge walls (just thing in a zone like droks run for explore)
d - you have areas you only acess with necrotic or some assassin skills to shadow step ex. evenia zone on wilds + dunes misson + rurik path + hidden area on factions ... acessible arenas count .... some challenge missions zones count ... in factions its impossible to find a team to enter jade quarry unless you get all your guild to help you ... and theres really mutch more ....
e - if you ask all players that went for that tittle it was a really hard fight of many weeks ... but trust me when i say theres nothing more gratefull in GW that see that 100% flash on screen when you get it
so in conclusion you wish to have the tittle ? ... Fight for it and do it like all other cartographers did ... instead of try to ask anet to put the tittle on your hand ... if you cant get it you have always the very dificult drunk tittle to achive
I see this thread split into two main groups:
1) Those who have the cartography titles and think they were setup appropriately.
2) Those who do not have the cartography titles and think that ther were not setup appropriately.
Classic have and have-nots. "I don't have it so it's unfair/stupid/waste-of-time/pointless/etc." I'm certain there are a handful that do not fit those two categories (have the title, still think wall-hugging is lame; do not have the title, still think wall-hugging is the way to go). Doesn't matter. Preference is preference. Just because you say something is stupid does not make it stupid. It simply means you do not enjoy it. As a matter of fact, wall-hugging does not require much intelligence. But there are numerous things that require little intelligence, but the rewards from doing them make such activities hardly stupid.
My cartography history: After doing my best with Cantha on my own, not reading anything whatsoever about mapping, I had nearly 90%. That was when I found out about wall-scraping. I was quite frustrated because I had to go back to every single area in the entire campaign to get my GMC title. When NF came out, I decided to scrape as I go. NF GMC was a piece of cake. Never had to consult a map or anything. I wish I had done that in Tyria and Cantha, because it really did not require all that much extra work. I will go get legendary once I finish EotN.
If you accept the requirement and just do it, it really isn't that difficult. If you are really annoyed with it, that's fine too. Don't bother, why would you want a title that you disagree with as a matter of principle. Express your suggestions congenially, and hopefully something more to your liking will come with GW2 and you can find something more up your alley in the meantime.
1) Those who have the cartography titles and think they were setup appropriately.
2) Those who do not have the cartography titles and think that ther were not setup appropriately.
Classic have and have-nots. "I don't have it so it's unfair/stupid/waste-of-time/pointless/etc." I'm certain there are a handful that do not fit those two categories (have the title, still think wall-hugging is lame; do not have the title, still think wall-hugging is the way to go). Doesn't matter. Preference is preference. Just because you say something is stupid does not make it stupid. It simply means you do not enjoy it. As a matter of fact, wall-hugging does not require much intelligence. But there are numerous things that require little intelligence, but the rewards from doing them make such activities hardly stupid.
My cartography history: After doing my best with Cantha on my own, not reading anything whatsoever about mapping, I had nearly 90%. That was when I found out about wall-scraping. I was quite frustrated because I had to go back to every single area in the entire campaign to get my GMC title. When NF came out, I decided to scrape as I go. NF GMC was a piece of cake. Never had to consult a map or anything. I wish I had done that in Tyria and Cantha, because it really did not require all that much extra work. I will go get legendary once I finish EotN.
If you accept the requirement and just do it, it really isn't that difficult. If you are really annoyed with it, that's fine too. Don't bother, why would you want a title that you disagree with as a matter of principle. Express your suggestions congenially, and hopefully something more to your liking will come with GW2 and you can find something more up your alley in the meantime.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Mohnzh
I see this thread split into two main groups:
1) Those who have the cartography titles and think they were setup appropriately. 2) Those who do not have the cartography titles and think that ther were not setup appropriately. |
Originally Posted by Mohnzh
I'm certain there are a handful that do not fit those two categories (have the title, still think wall-hugging is lame; do not have the title, still think wall-hugging is the way to go).
I'll also add while I think the current method is highly annoying, I'm not looking for an easy title either. It seemed silly to me at the time to be walking around trying to wedge myself into nooks and crannies over and over for a title I look back on now as more or less a waste of time, not to mention on the wrong character. While I dont like the process for the title, here and there I did find some fairly nice scenery to admire. So I dont know, it really does simply come down to simply what one gets out of it, like anything else.
The reason you have to hug the walls is because the map goes beyond the wall. The way the servers figure out your percentage is the number of pixels revieled. So the extra pixels outside the wall needs to be uncovered. There was a thread about this probably 6 months ago, but it is probably lost by now.
One can only hope they have a more elegant solution that does not involve hardcore wallhugging for GW2.
But IMO they should get rid of most if not all titles in GW2.
But I fear they are going to make "something different than WoW" and then up with standard faction grind but less content - a bit the GWEN way.
Oh, sorry for going offtopic. I just wanted to say I absolutely gree that cartography in GW is a major pain in the arse.
Imagine Columbus running around San Salvador to get his explorer title...
But IMO they should get rid of most if not all titles in GW2.
But I fear they are going to make "something different than WoW" and then up with standard faction grind but less content - a bit the GWEN way.
Oh, sorry for going offtopic. I just wanted to say I absolutely gree that cartography in GW is a major pain in the arse.
Imagine Columbus running around San Salvador to get his explorer title...

Originally Posted by Longasc
Imagine Columbus running around San Salvador to get his explorer title... ![]() |

Nemo the Capitalist
its very annoying and takes much skill:to waste your time and your life for anet and ur towards ur title track
but thats not stopping me
but thats not stopping me
I'm confused....
Titles are there to take time, so you stay "interested" in GW for longer. They are there to make you waste your time and let you simulate work.
You whine when it takes too long and/or is too hard or tedious?
Titles are there to take time, so you stay "interested" in GW for longer. They are there to make you waste your time and let you simulate work.
You whine when it takes too long and/or is too hard or tedious?

Originally Posted by Mohnzh
I see this thread split into two main groups:
1) Those who have the cartography titles and think they were setup appropriately. 2) Those who do not have the cartography titles and think that ther were not setup appropriately. Classic have and have-nots. "I don't have it so it's unfair/stupid/waste-of-time/pointless/etc." |
Cantha is totally flawed, especially when it comes to JQ area, that counts towards the title but can be accessed only provided that other 15 real players start the battle. Not to mention the glitched areas and Monastery Overlook.
To me exploration means: visit all places in the map, find nice spots, view all the content the devs put in game.
But when it comes to GMC title, you miss all of this.
You MUST run watching the walls, for hours and hours. Enemies are just obstacles to your wall facing, NPCs you don't consider them at all, nice spots you have no time to waste watching them.
Your only concern is the minimap and the attention to put in order to uncover every single tiny piece of fog.
So basically, you miss all the enjoyment of exploration, which is turned into an idiot activity of wall hugging.
That's why I'm among those who deem GMC very badly designed.
It won't be changed for the current game, but must be rethought for GW2 hopefully.
Probably a good idea would be put some milestones or sign that mark some spots, and once you have reached and read them you have uncovered the part of the map around.
Everything can be good, except the horrible idea of the fog system.
Woop Shotty
It should be easier, admit it.
I dont know about you guys....but cartography involves drawing maps....and if you dont know how the edge of a land border looks like....how will you draw an accurate map?
Originally Posted by semantic
But that's dumb.
good ideas. Would be fun. |
I enjoy doing the cartographer titles, even if it means hugging walls and vanquishing an area. Kill two birds with one stone.
yawn this still open?
They aren't gonna change it. Maybe in gw2 if there would be carto titles, then maybe they would somehow implement it. If they would even consider this then
All Gwen issues >>>>> Carto title QQ
They aren't gonna change it. Maybe in gw2 if there would be carto titles, then maybe they would somehow implement it. If they would even consider this then
All Gwen issues >>>>> Carto title QQ
Karia Mirniman
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
Cantha is totally flawed, especially when it comes to JQ area, that counts towards the title but can be accessed only provided that other 15 real players start the battle. Not to mention the glitched areas and Monastery Overlook.
Cartographer looks really cool as a title when you first see it. But once completed it's killed it's own sense of achievement. Protector, Vanquisher cool, GMC is life wasting and requires the player to play improperly, i.e cheat.
Oh and people thinking GW2 is going to be better is.. well, lol.. show me the proof as I look at my HoM.
p.s. Mister designer, I want a house with lots of cupboards in GW2, just like I had in Neverwinter Nights.
Abnaxus, I see you stopped quoting me right before I included the group you fit into. It was an observation I made, which I clearly indicated that there were exceptions, you being one of them. I cannot be "wrong" about what I saw. If you read (past tense) on, you would have seen that whether or not you fit into those two categories made no difference. I was only pointing them out to say they don't matter anyway.
Furthermore, I do really like the ideas of milestones where you learn histroy, etc. that you suggest. It is reminiscent of the Ascalon quest where you have to find all the ruin markers (you know, the -50hp cesta reward quest!). I thought that was really cool. But it wouldn't be a cartography title anymore. It would be more of an adventurer/historian title.
Cartography has always been about edge-scraping. The professional map-makers (pre-industrial era) had to scrape every inch of coastline, and sail up rivers as far as they could. Observing the coastline from afar was never sufficient, lest they overlook an inlet. The way this title is done most accurately reflects that.
Maybe GW2 could have both a cartography title and a historian/adventurer title. I would like to see the latter. I just don't think you could eliminate wall-scraping and still justify calling it cartography. If it's not your cup of tea, try a mocha.
Furthermore, I do really like the ideas of milestones where you learn histroy, etc. that you suggest. It is reminiscent of the Ascalon quest where you have to find all the ruin markers (you know, the -50hp cesta reward quest!). I thought that was really cool. But it wouldn't be a cartography title anymore. It would be more of an adventurer/historian title.
Cartography has always been about edge-scraping. The professional map-makers (pre-industrial era) had to scrape every inch of coastline, and sail up rivers as far as they could. Observing the coastline from afar was never sufficient, lest they overlook an inlet. The way this title is done most accurately reflects that.
Maybe GW2 could have both a cartography title and a historian/adventurer title. I would like to see the latter. I just don't think you could eliminate wall-scraping and still justify calling it cartography. If it's not your cup of tea, try a mocha.
Okay reality check...I don't need to walk along the edge of a cliff to know it's there. and most of the time the things your uncovering you never see. Okay why is there a 20 foot cliff beside me, but I need to be able to know whats on the other side of it? This is the flaw in the system as many have mentioned, when your wasting your time facing a solid cliff, your not seeing the scenery behind you. Where are the cool features your witnessing when staring at a rock? A title should be a challenge, but it should also make sense.
I'm seeing LESS hgging a wall, then I would be having the wall within my agro bubble, least then I'm seeing the other 180*'s and not just the solid face of a wall, or a brief view off the side of a cliff, or on the other side of a lake. Most of the real scenery I never see hugging the wall.
I'm seeing LESS hgging a wall, then I would be having the wall within my agro bubble, least then I'm seeing the other 180*'s and not just the solid face of a wall, or a brief view off the side of a cliff, or on the other side of a lake. Most of the real scenery I never see hugging the wall.
Originally Posted by wolfwing
Okay reality check...I don't need to walk along the edge of a cliff to know it's there. and most of the time the things your uncovering you never see. Okay why is there a 20 foot cliff beside me, but I need to be able to know whats on the other side of it? This is the flaw in the system as many have mentioned, when your wasting your time facing a solid cliff, your not seeing the scenery behind you. Where are the cool features your witnessing when staring at a rock? A title should be a challenge, but it should also make sense.
I'm seeing LESS hgging a wall, then I would be having the wall within my agro bubble, least then I'm seeing the other 180*'s and not just the solid face of a wall, or a brief view off the side of a cliff, or on the other side of a lake. Most of the real scenery I never see hugging the wall. |
And for the record Cantha is doable with non canthan chars. Just remember to explore the monestary at the ring games. 100+% Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. (And I got my 100% cantha with a tyrian char, without having the monestary)
Originally Posted by SpotJorge
hehe Columbus got it because he got lost ... so if Columbus explored GW in Factions problably he would get Nighfall explorer title instead
![]() |
Malice Black
Originally Posted by booooYA
If you think that's dumb then fine, don't do it.
I enjoy doing the cartographer titles, even if it means hugging walls and vanquishing an area. Kill two birds with one stone. |