The GW:EN quest book is a great idea.
It can encourage players to help each other on the primary quests.
Something I would like better then to go and do the usual "kill xx monsters for reputation grind".
But it should add a bit more then 2500 reputation. I can make 3-4000 by clearing a map, which takes less time compared going through all the primary quests.
So maybe it would be possible to make it give a lot more reputation, when you hand in the book after the first time?
Increase reputation for handing in the GW:EN quest book
Onarik Amrak
There's a thread on this already.
There's a thread on this already.
Curse You
How about each time you hand in your book, the amount of Reputation you get increases if you hand it in to the same faction, up until a cap of say 10k per book.
That way you can get more each time, but only if you consistently give your book for Reputation with the same group.
That way you can get more each time, but only if you consistently give your book for Reputation with the same group.
I'd make it like this:
- Make the quest/dungeon/misison in normal mode: Green 'V' (just like now).
- Make the quest/dungeon/misison in hard mode: Red 'V'.
- Give the book:
* 250 for each quests normal mode.
* 1000 for each dungeon in normal mode.
* 500 for each mission in normal mode.
* 500 for each quest in hard mode.
* 2000 for each dungeon in normal mode.
* 1000 for each mission in normal mode.
Then add three other books, one for each campaing.
And also allow other characters of the same account to give away the books completed by other characters (but not selling them or giving aways those completed by characters of different accounts)
- Make the quest/dungeon/misison in normal mode: Green 'V' (just like now).
- Make the quest/dungeon/misison in hard mode: Red 'V'.
- Give the book:
* 250 for each quests normal mode.
* 1000 for each dungeon in normal mode.
* 500 for each mission in normal mode.
* 500 for each quest in hard mode.
* 2000 for each dungeon in normal mode.
* 1000 for each mission in normal mode.
Then add three other books, one for each campaing.
And also allow other characters of the same account to give away the books completed by other characters (but not selling them or giving aways those completed by characters of different accounts)
Wrath of m0o
It takes so long to fill the book, it should just be 2500 to all reputations.
Originally Posted by Wrath of m0o
It takes so long to fill the book, it should just be 2500 to all reputations.
Could make it even better by multiplying reputation for number of players you completed each quest with.
But for that to happen, Anet needs to add new tables to their database.
But for that to happen, Anet needs to add new tables to their database.