Suggestion for Anet: Item renaming
People should be able to rename their items, or at least their weapons, because many builds or situations require different armor and weapons, and being able to name them to something else to help the player notice which item goes with which scenario, like for a weapon that works better in FoW than in any other situation, it would be useful to just click on the weapon that says FoW or Fissure or something like that, instead of having to read the weapon's stats, or for a weapon that works with certain builds, etc.
This is the sort of idea that would make me quit GW if it was implemented.
Zahr Dalsk
It would make scamming easier, which is BAD.
/not signed
/not signed
Not to mention you'd probably end up with a lot of immature people who are wielding their penis, etc etc etc
Well then it should be reset when it is traded, and inapropriate things would not be allowed
Snow Bunny
/notsigned, for reasons stated.
Originally Posted by dargon
Not to mention you'd probably end up with a lot of immature people who are wielding their penis, etc etc etc

But yea it's kind of useless, think they have better stuff to do
it is not useless it is useful because i can easily switch weapons for certain builds
is the most stupid idea ever see in my whole Life!!
/no signet
/no signet