I am curious about how [skill]Enduring Harmony[/skill] works. Still wrapping my brain around this whole Echo business.
Does the Shouts last for: a) Shout duration +50%; and b) Enduring Harmony duration, which ever is shorter?
Or do Shouts within the Enduring Harmony duration last +50% longer. Say I Shout 1 second before Enduring Harmony ends, what happens?
Do Shouts before Enduring Harmony is used have the +50% when Enduring Harmony is applied?
How does Enduring Harmony work?
Diddy bow
Im pretty sure anything that is used in its duration will gain the +50, even if you use it in the last second. At least thats how other things like that work.
Tis true. If you use an 8 second "Fall Back!" one second before Enduring Harmony ends you still get a 12 second "Fall Back!".
I assumed that it is the same as wielding a +20% enchant weapon, if u switch from the weapon it will reduce the duretion of the current duration.
If it is by casting then it should be refrazed." Echo. For 10...37 seconds, Chants and Shouts that are casted last 50% longer on target."
If it is by casting then it should be refrazed." Echo. For 10...37 seconds, Chants and Shouts that are casted last 50% longer on target."
No, it's worded fine. No need for change. Just need to use it before any chants/shouts.
Originally Posted by ARK729
I assumed that it is the same as wielding a +20% enchant weapon, if u switch from the weapon it will reduce the duretion of the current duration.
That statement is load of bullshit.
The duration of skills gains buffs from other skills/mods when it is first applied. After that, it doesn't matter if the skill/mod is present.
Also, zwei2stein is correct.
Also, zwei2stein is correct.