This idea came to me as I was talking to some friends. I know a lot of people who have different characters that are "related". That's what this thread is for. Do you have a character with a brother or sister? A spouse? A reincarnation? Or even one you just made up with a hero? Post them here! But remember to follow the rules, and don't use in game names unless you have permission and they're your own! Here's mine:
This is Tender Wolf and Ardnek Mysticeyes. I could say they're sisters, but I prefer to think that Ardnek is Tender Wolf's reincarnation. Why? Because I'm very interested in that, especially after InuYasha and The Mummy Returns. I like to think that Ardnek is a princess, what with the beads and jewels in her hair. Those just spell princess to me. lol
Here we have Tender Wolf's fiance (or at least his character - like a lot of guys, he makes a lot of female characters. lol)
And last but not least we have Tender Wolf's brothers. We actually all know each other in real life, and that's our relationship. hehe
Post your Guild Wars family! (No in game names or general chatting!)
Tender Wolf
Another one from Tender Wolf >_< lol
Not sure what to make of this thread, to be honest it may be better off in the Lore section.
Will monitor for now, but if it turns to spam its going to get closed, word of warning.
Not sure what to make of this thread, to be honest it may be better off in the Lore section.
Will monitor for now, but if it turns to spam its going to get closed, word of warning.