Title suggestions



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007


Xen of Onslaught [XoO]


Post suggestions for titles here! Here are my two.

Side-quest title?
For completing side-quests (non-primary quests). There should definitely be a title for this.
Rank 1 (25 completed)- Helper of the People
Rank 2 (50 completed)- Friend of the People
Rank 3 (75 completed)- Protector of the People
Rank 4 (100 completed)- Guardian of the People
Rank 5 (150 completed)- Sentinel of the People
Rank 6 (200 competed)- ???
Continue on until the max rank (I don't know how many quests there are, but pretend there are 700 side quests)
Rank 10 (All side quests completed)- Champion of the People
Something like this.

Experience title?
I know there have been numerous posts about this, but just re-enforcing the idea.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

New Zealand

Xen Of Onslaught (Xen of the Pacific division)

I'd prefer the quest title to be set up something like the protector/vanquisher/etc titles:

There is a separate title track for each chapter. Once there are no more non-repeatable quests that you character can obtain then you get that chapters quest title.

Once you have the quest title for all chapters, then you get the overall quest title.

I'm not sure how to handle quests that require owning multiple chapters (the initial travel quests, and quests like Family Soul) under this system though. Counting them towards the title track for the chapter they start in wouldn't be fair to people only owning that chapter, but there aren't enough of them for a separate title.

Maybe have them count towards the title of the chapter they are obtained in, but only if you own the required chapters. Though this would mean that when you add a chapter to your account you would lose the title until you complete the quests.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


A title for quests should be an achievent type.

One for completing all quests.

To count also the Tombs, urgoz and the deep, they should have non.repetable quests completed after beting the repetable once (like it currently happnes with Mallyx and Sorrow's Furnace)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Iowa, United States



Interesting idea....

Each continant should have their own track, and must complete every single one to gain credit for it.

The elite missions should all have their own title track. Since theres 6 of them, takes all 6 to max it. Id suggest HM required, but Mallyx is next to impossible as is, and HM isnt needed to make that more difficult.

My thoughts....

Good idea though
