So i havnt got the game YET but my friend was kind enough to let me try out his account on my comp just to make sure it runs it runs what seems like fine
I just wanted to clarify some stuff
1.when you enter an area for the fist time does it usualley lag spike alot because your comp is downloading the area r getting used to it
2. when manuvering the camera too focus on a landscape full of people ur fps drops down to like 20-30 right?
mines usualley 25
I just wanted to make sure this is normal and not my comp
if you need to know my specs
1024 ram
pentium 4
3.2 ghz
geforce fx 5200 128 mb
200 watt max psu
thanks again guys sorry for all the annoying questions
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I always tend to move a little slow when I just come in, it also depends on if there is a lot of people in the town or not. My FPS is usually between like 40-60 but it some times drops that low. Don't worry what your FPS is, if it doesn't affect your game play then it doesn't matter.