If anyone has screenshots of FoW armor being salvaged, i would love to see them
Request: Salvage FoW
Ancient Dragoon
- Tain -
I've done this and the return rate was almost enough to cry about, lol. Not planning on doing it again, but I'll check to see if I still have the screens.
I don't have a pic BUT I warn you don't expect simple ectos or shards you MAY get iron aswell trust me its not worth it rather put the armor and collect dust than destroying it imo. When I salvaged my ranger fow got 22 tanned hides from gloves I learned my lesson.
o m g pizowned
from my one salvage of fow, got about 15 shards.
- Tain -
I guess I forgot to take another screenshot after I salvaged the boots, but I believe it was just 3-4 more deldrimor steel...
I don't think salvaging is worth it, specially now with the HoM :P , just let it collect dust even if you get bored of it imo..but some people are crazy enough to pay a mill for it and then salvage and maybe get 100-150k back lol, however if there is some high end armor like fow at a later date and people go berserk for it, it may be a good idea :P
- Tain -
Course it's not worth it, heh... I just compulsively remake my chars every now and then - none have ever lived to see a birthday.
I salvaged my female mesmer top, bottom, and boots, got like 28 ectos and a crap load of dust...no screens
I salvaged a helm for my warrior and got 7 Deldrimor Steel. Sorry, no pic.
I salvaged full Mesmer, even gloves and got nothing but cloth.