Average ping..
I was just wondering what people normally average for their ping. I normally get around 200ms and this seems a little high to me so I was just looking for some other people to compare it to.
Mine's usually around 190 ms. About 200 ms isn't high at all for an MMO (-ish) game.
mine generally stay around 400 ms. it essentially fluctuates between 130ish to 1500. absolute pain to play.
250-400ms, from Australia though.
70-300 for me, there were times when it go up to 1000 or even 22,879 but that was when the EU server went down or something.
From the netherlands to the eu servers, 100 to 200(since my new provider, old was between 60 and 150
), wors if my tv is on(250 to ....). Bad switch, sucky tele2.
I do have regular spikes, some days wors then others

I do have regular spikes, some days wors then others