Hey, anyone else just get dc'd from the game? 12 members of my guild just got Err7's at 5:23 PM CST. Follow that up with a err13. Just confirmed that our alliance err7'd as well. So my whole guild and our whole alliance. GLOBAL DC! How about you? Err7's are your fault remember that.

Swift Thief
I just got disconnected from err 007 now..
Mystic Reaper
same, err 7, followed by err 13 when tried to reconnect.
ditto on the err 13
Looks like somebody forgot to feed the server hamsters.
Tsk, tsk. I warned them about that.
Tsk, tsk. I warned them about that.
I think this one was truly a world wide disconnect. Our whole alliance DC's. We have people from everywhere possible.
ive got a err7 also, and it took a while to reconnected
looks like Anet didn't pay the bills
Who cares.. this has happened in the past... the last time this happened I was in FoW about to pick up a shard
Mercury Angel
Error=7 is a loss of connectivity that can stem from Anet's end, your end, or anywhere in-between. Huge lag spikes and connectivity issues globally can be linked to poor overall internet health, which does happen.
If the Internet Health Report looks good, it's probably something on Anet's end, and it does happen different ways on different occasions. You don't normally notice the connectivity issues in regular internet use, because the stability needed for normal use of a browser, a chat client, and such is nowhere near the level for an MMORPG.
A reason you can go from never having any problems on one MMORPG to heavy lag and frequent disconnects on another is simply that they're on different servers, different providers, different locations - Your connection between the one you're having problems with may not be as stable as the connection that's working well. This is backed by the inconsistency of the lag and disconnects some people experience.
However, yes, you usually will get a, "no mea culpa" (not my fault) even when it is an issue with the servers from most companies.
If the Internet Health Report looks good, it's probably something on Anet's end, and it does happen different ways on different occasions. You don't normally notice the connectivity issues in regular internet use, because the stability needed for normal use of a browser, a chat client, and such is nowhere near the level for an MMORPG.
A reason you can go from never having any problems on one MMORPG to heavy lag and frequent disconnects on another is simply that they're on different servers, different providers, different locations - Your connection between the one you're having problems with may not be as stable as the connection that's working well. This is backed by the inconsistency of the lag and disconnects some people experience.
However, yes, you usually will get a, "no mea culpa" (not my fault) even when it is an issue with the servers from most companies.
Andrew Patrick
There was a minor issue with one of our datacenters that caused some players to have brief interruptions in their connection. This issue has been resolved, and will continue to be closely monitored. If you have further issues, please let us know.
Thanks for the quick answer Andrew.
I had that disconnect a couple of hours ago. I think I took a small fit but I reconnected quickly and am in a stable condition right now.
Malice Black
Issue solved.
Thread closed.
Thread closed.