Anet has no idea what players want.... prime example...

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Nuj08
Some of you guys are a joke. You claim to know the prices of these pets but you don't. The prices are volatile and vary from person to person. Case in point, I know for a fact a panda was sold in game for 12000 ectos, yes that is right 3 zeros. I know owners who continue to get offered 250 armbraces (duping anyone?). How about that beetle that sold for 400 armbraces? Do you guys know how many ectos that is? In any event, it is hard to put an exact price on these pets due to a number of reasons ranging from personal preference to remnants of the duping saga. Anyways, just clarifying........
Yah. Too many people talking about stuff they dont know about or understand mini market.

Bryant Again

Bryant Again

Hall Hero

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by lyra_song
PvP is no less or no more full of whiners than PvE, dont turn this into a PvP vs PvE thread.
We should remove PvP *and* PvE from the game and have the log-in screen be a screensaver.

It'd be koo...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007

i fail to see why people are complaining about the mini-pets are rewards. clearly you people have too much time on your hands.

max gladius

max gladius

Yep, really is me...

Join Date: Aug 2005

My House


Yes some of the replies are way out of focus... during the duped ordeal they were being sold and bought at prices listed above by Nuj08....

Since then...

2500e for 1 panda (2 trades)
1500e 20 arms for 1 panda...

not sure of kanaxi sold, but have seen offers of 1500e 10arms for them...

Also... why is Vizu not ghostly, as her character is ingame...

And how hard would it be to introduce new minis... like Mini Abaddon or such....

I cant believe how many ppl feel that they have have any right to comment on this thread when they throw around comments like "1000e for panda" also... 1500e and arms r biggest u can fit into 1 trade window, if ur traden some arms, u would just trade more armbraces

obviously they have no idea the value, want, desire of many players...


Join Date: Dec 2005




Originally Posted by lyra_song
PvP is no less or no more full of whiners than PvE, dont turn this into a PvP vs PvE thread.
No, you're wrong.

PvP whine threads on this forum are made by PvE'ers.

If PvP'ers do complain, it's because of a reason: SR, iway, etc.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

And.... that's the end of this thread.