Hi all,
Me and a friend are sick and tired of guilds who only chat and do nothing else then chat with their guild.
So we started a new guild. What do we want with this guild?
We wanna farm, chestfarm, title farm, clear areas like uw and fow, ab, ha and more.
There is only 1 thing. You must have fow armor to join Grenths Outcast. Why?
Well it looks cool to have a fow armor guild. And most players with fow armor are a bit more experianced then others.
Dont get me wrong, i am not saying that if you have fow armor you are exp and if you dont have fow you are a noob.
But if you are interested whisper me
My name is Monky Squan (fow addict)
or contact my gw buddy Rohans healer (title addict)
Grenths Outcast Recruiting For Fow Armor Members