Guild Storage
Has anyone invested in the idea of a guildwide storage box? Wouldn't it be great if there was a medium-large size box in the guldhall that any of my guildies could use at any time.
>>For example; I pick up some of the greatest bows in the world! Last week I got a 15^50+Vamp5+Sundering20/20, but it doesn't do me any good at all because I'm not a ranger. and I don't want to throw something like that away, perhaps a guildie could use it, but they are never on at the same time I am. I would just be able to throw it in the box (maybe attach a note to it.) and where there is a need it could be met.
How it works
1) The box itself is a locked chest unless you have privilege as purchased for you by an officer of the guild. Cost of access per player should be around 1,000 gold.
2) The box is only accessible by one person at a time
3) There will be a box usage history button, much like that of the guild history tab under the guild window.
4) The size of the box is dependant on the size of the guild. starting at a minimum of 10 spaces and 100 Platinum, for every 5 people that join the guild the box grows by 5 spaces and 100+plat storage, up to 40 slots and 1,000 platinum.
The pro's
1) Promote community inside guilds
2) A little extra (obviously non-secure) storage space (that way everyone would stop whining about the boxes not being big enough)
3) An extra money sink. (you would have to buy this from the GL obo 200K)
4) Lack of abuseability (you wouldn't get a guy just buying guildhalls for the storage, because you can only be in one guild at a time.)
5) It would be easier than trading stuff between guildies.
The con's
1) Could create problems in guilds (noobs and leechers.)
2) You may get someone randomly throwing "junk" in the box. (ie... quest items. etc...)
3) ???
I am open to suggestions on how you could improve the idea.
>>For example; I pick up some of the greatest bows in the world! Last week I got a 15^50+Vamp5+Sundering20/20, but it doesn't do me any good at all because I'm not a ranger. and I don't want to throw something like that away, perhaps a guildie could use it, but they are never on at the same time I am. I would just be able to throw it in the box (maybe attach a note to it.) and where there is a need it could be met.
How it works
1) The box itself is a locked chest unless you have privilege as purchased for you by an officer of the guild. Cost of access per player should be around 1,000 gold.
2) The box is only accessible by one person at a time
3) There will be a box usage history button, much like that of the guild history tab under the guild window.
4) The size of the box is dependant on the size of the guild. starting at a minimum of 10 spaces and 100 Platinum, for every 5 people that join the guild the box grows by 5 spaces and 100+plat storage, up to 40 slots and 1,000 platinum.
The pro's
1) Promote community inside guilds
2) A little extra (obviously non-secure) storage space (that way everyone would stop whining about the boxes not being big enough)
3) An extra money sink. (you would have to buy this from the GL obo 200K)
4) Lack of abuseability (you wouldn't get a guy just buying guildhalls for the storage, because you can only be in one guild at a time.)
5) It would be easier than trading stuff between guildies.
The con's
1) Could create problems in guilds (noobs and leechers.)
2) You may get someone randomly throwing "junk" in the box. (ie... quest items. etc...)
3) ???
I am open to suggestions on how you could improve the idea.
It's not a bad idea. It could use a system where anyone in the guild can access it and see its contents, and deposit gold/items, but can't withdraw. And permissions to withdraw would be given by the guild leader and/or officers. That way you can still invite people into your guild and not have to worry about someone raiding your guild storage.
And have deposit and withdrawal logs so you can keep track of things like donations to the guild, and make sure people dont steal as well.
And have deposit and withdrawal logs so you can keep track of things like donations to the guild, and make sure people dont steal as well.
Oh great....guilds inviting people, requiring a deposit of such and such into guild storage, then kicking them immediately after. Or guild leaders/officers never allowing guild members to retrieve their stuff.
I'll keep my private storage, thank you.
I'll keep my private storage, thank you.
Why would you even want to get in a guild that requires a deposit?
I /sign this every time it gets suggested.
As long as there are safeguards to prevent leeching, it's always been a good idea.
As long as there are safeguards to prevent leeching, it's always been a good idea.
Originally Posted by A11Eur0
Oh great....guilds inviting people, requiring a deposit of such and such into guild storage, then kicking them immediately after. Or guild leaders/officers never allowing guild members to retrieve their stuff.
I'll keep my private storage, thank you. |
Second you didn't follow my idea correctly. I propose that only officers are allowed to buy storage acess keys (BTW 10K is WAY too much for a single key... it should be closer to 1K). After a guild member is there for a certain amount of time, as deemed worthy by an officer, they offer to buy the guild member an access key. That access key is destroyed once they leave the guild.
First, the GL kicking you from the guild after you deposit stuff is not something that you would be able to prevent using reasonable force.
Second, you shouldn't put stuff in the box that you would be afraid of losing. The point is to give stuff to guildies. and I agree it would be nice to have a log similar to guild history on the box.
Originally Posted by holababe
I /sign this every time it gets suggested.
As long as there are safeguards to prevent leeching, it's always been a good idea. |
Any suggestions that are better than mine? PLEASE?
OOOH!!! Idea!!! Perhaps you simply buy them access to the storage box from the Guild window. Members with access will have a key in the middle of the line that contains their name and last logon! what do you think?
One of the things I liked about Ragnarok Online was that if you knew a gulie needed something, and they were offline or busy, you could just put it in guild storage and they could take it at their leasure.
I like the idea of Officers controlling who has access to it too. If this doesn't get added for GW1, it's a must for GW2 at least.
One of the things I liked about Ragnarok Online was that if you knew a gulie needed something, and they were offline or busy, you could just put it in guild storage and they could take it at their leasure.
I like the idea of Officers controlling who has access to it too. If this doesn't get added for GW1, it's a must for GW2 at least.
Quest items are not neccesary junk, maybe you can put there the remaining Heket legs you got so other can use them.
But there are many, many guilds.
Maybe the storage would be bigger the more players are in the guild:
Something like 5 slots for every 5 members for a total of 20 or 40 slots.
But there are many, many guilds.
Maybe the storage would be bigger the more players are in the guild:
Something like 5 slots for every 5 members for a total of 20 or 40 slots.
That's true... and I like that idea... I will incorporate it into the main description. TYVM!
/signed 100x over.
i was talkin bout this with my guild a few days ago
in our guild we pretty much all thrust eachother
that doesnt mean there shouldnt be a safety system ...
but i think we all have stuff we cant/dont use, wish another, less skilled character or new player of the guild could use, just my opinion
back to the security system, i think anet probably already thought bout things to do this, but its just hard to do, easy to abuse, or they will have some other good reason not to implent it.
i'll keep my thumbs up
i was talkin bout this with my guild a few days ago

in our guild we pretty much all thrust eachother
that doesnt mean there shouldnt be a safety system ...
but i think we all have stuff we cant/dont use, wish another, less skilled character or new player of the guild could use, just my opinion
back to the security system, i think anet probably already thought bout things to do this, but its just hard to do, easy to abuse, or they will have some other good reason not to implent it.
i'll keep my thumbs up

Has this old idea resurected again?? Guess it's true what they say, there is no such thing as an original thought anymore.
/signed. may be an old one, but still a good one.
/signed. may be an old one, but still a good one.
/signed I love the idea.. I give away stuff all the time to guildys and its a shame that the ones that are not online the same time as me have to miss out.
Originally Posted by wacka
back to the security system, i think anet probably already thought bout things to do this, but its just hard to do, easy to abuse, or they will have some other good reason not to implent it.
Originally Posted by thezed
Has this old idea resurected again??