I know I'm just going to receive an e-mail from you saying "drops are totally random" but I farmed the Domain of Fear today with an 8-man hench team and through that hour I only received like 10 drops and out of all the times I killed Flame of Fervor (at least 8 times), I only received 1(ONE!) drop. For a high-end end-game area like the Domains, I think players should be getting more than 10 or so drops every HOUR they play..that's just ridiculous. So I guess my question is, Is there any way the drop rate can be increased to better accommodate players? At this point, I feel like it is completely pointless to farm in the game because drop rates are so low and I know a lot of other players who feel the same way. Thank you for your time.
Again, thanks to everyone for checking this out and please leave posts with your thoughts!