Increased Luxon/Kurz Faction cap
Someone must have mentioned this before, I think that like Balthazars faction, reaching titles such as those on the Kurzick and Luxon alliance track, should allow you to have a higher amount of faction at one time... Say you can hold an extra 2000 for every title, or maybe even more?
yeah it would be a nice addition, make it so people didn't have to make pit stop so often to dump faction when they are ab'ing or fff.
/signed, im sure there once was a higher cap but cant remember,, i started mid factions so dunno
Don't see why not.
Don't see why not.
/signed. Might as well.
And Lazerath, the cap was always at 10k. Thought I would let ya know.
And Lazerath, the cap was always at 10k. Thought I would let ya know.

Sergeant of Marines
/signed again
but will remain happy if they don't, it would just be a nice little extra.
but will remain happy if they don't, it would just be a nice little extra.
Drop of Fear
signed 200 times. donating all the times in ab this weekend was rly trashing our time 
WTB 10k bar + +2.500 each tier of luxon/kurzick u have. capped at 30-40k if u want but plz do something

WTB 10k bar + +2.500 each tier of luxon/kurzick u have. capped at 30-40k if u want but plz do something

I Will Heal You Ally
/very signed!
It would be nice at least to have a boost every 3ranks in the title so Saviors would have enough for 30k factions to deposit
It would be nice at least to have a boost every 3ranks in the title so Saviors would have enough for 30k factions to deposit

the Puppeteer
/signed - would make life in ab easier
just one question - will anet EVER consider this?
just one question - will anet EVER consider this?
/signed -
because my friend made a petition before for the storage and the reward dude inside AB, they came but the increase of faction didnt come.
@ Puppeteer, i doubt it.
But they did add the storage after me tell i was going to court if the Xunlia didnt open a storage there.
because my friend made a petition before for the storage and the reward dude inside AB, they came but the increase of faction didnt come.
@ Puppeteer, i doubt it.
But they did add the storage after me tell i was going to court if the Xunlia didnt open a storage there.
Knight Othin Of War
This should motivate me to start playing AB again
Nice idea
This should motivate me to start playing AB again

Nice idea
agree, if balthazar can have it. why can't lux and kuzs have that as well.
Dunno why anet never implemented this. Oh well...
i think this has been suggested before, but not recently. Still a good idea.
Because it's fair so okay.
Because it's fair so okay.
The Bard
there's really no reason not to do it
there's really no reason not to do it
mikez himself
it wont really alter much, its far more convinient for players aswell, would be a nice addition
it wont really alter much, its far more convinient for players aswell, would be a nice addition
L|S >+>+G+<+<
I've often found myself wanting this addition too aswell as the recently added factions reward guy. Tha was a useful idea, didn't have to leave the party & visit gh so I could dump the faction.
/signed 100 fold
Please install this feature if possible anet. It would be very useful, especially when you have a double faction weekend again.
/signed 100 fold
Please install this feature if possible anet. It would be very useful, especially when you have a double faction weekend again.
kind of annoying to stop and dump faction every few ab rounds
kind of annoying to stop and dump faction every few ab rounds
fairly useful and easy to implement
fairly useful and easy to implement
No idea why it's implemented the way it is, honestly. That cap's a pain in the neck and is there for no discernible reason.
No idea why it's implemented the way it is, honestly. That cap's a pain in the neck and is there for no discernible reason.
Wilkon Dawes
Originally Posted by getalifebud
Someone must have mentioned this before, I think that like Balthazars faction, reaching titles such as those on the Kurzick and Luxon alliance track, should allow you to have a higher amount of faction at one time... Say you can hold an extra 2000 for every title, or maybe even more?
Teh [prefession]-zorz
i dont see a reason not too, if theres a bathazar one why not a faction one tbh....
Even though it would be kind of nice, they already put a donation guy in aspenwood and jade quarry and ab. Why do we need to have a higher cap when we can say to the group leader, "Give me a second to donate" .... "Done, lets go." Let them put the man power somewhere else.
/not signed
/not signed
the Puppeteer
Originally Posted by wetsparks
Even though it would be kind of nice, they already put a donation guy in aspenwood and jade quarry and ab. Why do we need to have a higher cap when we can say to the group leader, "Give me a second to donate" .... "Done, lets go." Let them put the man power somewhere else.
/not signed |
The Master Eldar
Can be very usefull =)
Can be very usefull =)
I'd definitely be in favor of this
I'd definitely be in favor of this
Marty Silverblade
People who hit the 10k cap often, or get near to it, usually have high ranks anyway, so by raising the cap for every lux/kurz rank you have, it's balanced. Easy to add too, seeing as though they've already done it once to the Balth faction.
People who hit the 10k cap often, or get near to it, usually have high ranks anyway, so by raising the cap for every lux/kurz rank you have, it's balanced. Easy to add too, seeing as though they've already done it once to the Balth faction.
Croco Clouds
increase the cap that is proportional to the allegiance rank
increase the cap that is proportional to the allegiance rank
Originally Posted by the Puppeteer
You have the increased faction cap for RA, TA, HA & A Priest of Balthazar there... why not for AB?
Whisper Evenstar
/signed - less need to dump faction every so often, and anything to keep the first F in FFF is good with me

/signed why not. I don't even play guildwars or care anymore but can't see the harm in adding such a feature.
Even though they made it easier with the rewards NPC in the towns, it would still be an easy thing to implement, just like the balthazar cap.
No reason not to have it but only increase it, if you have reached rank 3 alliance faction rank or above.
No reason not to have it but only increase it, if you have reached rank 3 alliance faction rank or above.
freaky naughty
Now that they added kurz and luxon representatives who gave rewards in the outposts it's not as big of a problem as it was but higher limit would still be nice in case you wanted to move some characters through the campaign with the 10k faction
Now that they added kurz and luxon representatives who gave rewards in the outposts it's not as big of a problem as it was but higher limit would still be nice in case you wanted to move some characters through the campaign with the 10k faction
Originally Posted by the Puppeteer
You have the increased faction cap for RA, TA, HA & A Priest of Balthazar there... why not for AB?
get 3 guilds with 70-80 active members donating 25k and bam!, you just bought your small outpost
darkk wound
*signed 200 times. donating all the times in ab this weekend was rly trashing our time* and you do realise that there is a "faction reward" guy on every ab town ? so... that means you dont waste time leaving the group to go to the guild hall to donate
/not signed
/not signed
Gargle Blaster
why would it be a problem if you could save up to buy a town?
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by EinherjarMx
because with higher facton cap it would be easier for alliances to buy towns
get 3 guilds with 70-80 active members donating 25k and bam!, you just bought your small outpost |
No reason why not
No reason why not