Originally Posted by Etta
The mag itself is so-so as well, there's 1/4 of a page for the mini pet details and 2 pages GW:EN review, it's got 82%, the reviewer seem to like it. If anyone have the magazine, check out his necro skill bar. lol
Fail @ Build
Not only that, I notice a few other things:
#1. His choice of herohench and their skills. I see him flitting around with Healing Breeze on him a lot... He brings what can only be described as an entirely random assortment of herohench. At least he wasn't stupid enough to bring less than two monks.
#2. He screenshots twice in a row for the MAIN screenie on the page... giving us a lovely view of where the last screenshot was saved on his hard drive. Lawlz.
#3. He lurves being in Melee range..... with a N/E.... Waitwut?!
#4. His weapons. Slot 1 is a Cesta... on its own. Slot 2 is the same Cesta with a basic Truncheon on top. Heheh...
#5. In not one of the screenshots is he actually doing any visible damage... though plenty is being done TO him.
[ Incidentally... WHERE is the 1/4 page for the mini pet details? I can't find it. ]