My backstory for this (skip if you're not interested. ):
I have been playing GW:EN since just around the start of September. One of the main features that made this game for me were the new armors, especially the Norn armors; both my Ele and my Dervish want a set. However, I was quite duanted by the fact that I would have to get 26,000 points for each of my characters. But, I thought, there are probably quests you can complete for them, like in Nightfall where you have loads of SS quests, or Luxon/Kurzik where you can go do Fort Aspenwood about five times and get all the 10,000 points you need to continue the game.
I was a little surprised when I looked up the Norn title on wiki, went to the title building quests, and discovered they had a maximum of 200 points at the most. But I thought there would be plenty of monsters to kill along the way, so with the Norn blessing I would easily get up to at least 20,000 points and the other 6,000 would be easily attainable afterwards through a few simple farming runs.
(start reading here if you skipped)
However, I was somewhat (<- understatment) disappointed when I completed all the Norn quests I could find, in game or on wiki, all of them with the Norn farming blessing active, and only got up to 7,000 points. Leaving me with another 19,000 points I would have to directly farm for, with no quests to complete or anything other than grinding and farming to gain them.
So, here I am at the beginning of October, one month after I started farming for these points, and last night I just got to rank four. So now I can get Norn weapons that I don't want. And I still have another 10,000 points to go before I can finally reach the 26,000 mark and get my armor.
I would like to ask Arenanet do at least one of the following:
- (retroactively) Increase the quest rewards to a level so that after completing them you are left with very little, if any, farming neccessary to get the points neccessary for armor.
- Lower the points required for the armor.
- Increase the base reputation garnered from each kill from 1 point to 5 points (or even 2 points for that matter).
- Give us farming scrolls like the Lightbringer title that would give us farming buffs so we can get the title more easily.
- make the title account wide so that you only have to get to 26,000 points once, and then you can also complete the quests with another character and get up to 26,000 points without any grinding.
- Add more Norn quests to complete for points, like what happened for the Vanguard title a few days ago.
- Switch out consumables so they require rank five, and move weapons and armor down one notch.
- Make it so that buying the armor is dependant upon completing the quests, not getting the title.
I think that implimenting any one of these, especially 5, 6 or 8, would go a long way toward making the community as a whole happier. Right now, there appears to be a very high level of disconent with the way that GW is becoming more and more time and titles based and less about casual play and skill.
Don't misunderstand me. I am quite happy with the idea that if you're going to get armor you should have to work for it. Even though you have to farm or quest for the 50k + materials to buy the armor. All I'm asking for is for there to be less grind, going out and killing monsters simply for the sake of getting a title, and more lore, completing a lot of quests and then getting the ability to craft armor after you have completed these quests.
And I'm buying these armors for the way they look, not becuase I want to parade around LA and have a bunch of anonymous players be impressed with me; there is a difference between the two.