Boy oh boy I cannot tell you the countless times that my comp has overheated or how long I would have to wait to load when being in a really full district.
My computer sucks. usually if I stay in a place to long... say ToA, the graphics driver dies and everything turns a myriad of color and the comp says to restart. Or say I go into LA district 1....or better yet.... any of the GWEN outposts/towns.... they can be up to a 5-10 minute wait of the loading screen saying 100% but nothing appearing.
I really only go to full districts to sell something, though this is less likely now with the party window. But sometimes when i just need to get somewhere every district is full or the outpost only has 1 district but it's pretty packed... thus I am uber lagged to hell in there.
My idea is that in the district options window along with international, america, europe, etc. We can have a private one where the entire post is empty save npc's and your party group. I can't begin to tell you how much this would help me with lag and loading times ~.~
Downside: I wouldn't think it would be connected to any of the other servers, thus you can't advertise there so that america or international people could see your add or lfg =p But thats ok because you came just to be there with your group for whatever reason!
edit: This idea is because the more people in a district, the slower the load and the more the lag.
The less amount of people, the faster the load and the less the lag.
Idea: Private Districts.
Fox Reeveheart
Start "farming" in real life and work towards getting a better computer, or parts to upgrade the one you have.
You aren't going to get a town/outpost server all to yourself just because your current rig's a pile of slag.
You aren't going to get a town/outpost server all to yourself just because your current rig's a pile of slag.
Sorry but thats not a game issue, as the other guy said farm in real life please =) GW doesn't require much of a pc to run properly for extended periods of time.. also if people had their own private outposts it would add way more instances to the servers and thats the last thing anyone needs.
The best you'll probably get is a compromise. Either A) an option to automatically go to the least populated district, or B) an option to disable rendering/calculating stuff for other players in outposts.
That's what international districts is for. Most towns have at most 10 people in them.
Hehe if everyone with a crappy pc started using ID's...they wouldn't be so underpopulated .
OP, download less porn, it tends to save bandwidth, your HD doesn't need to get defragged as often, and viruses don't take up your ram/cpu.
OP, download less porn, it tends to save bandwidth, your HD doesn't need to get defragged as often, and viruses don't take up your ram/cpu.
Get more rams, that'll help with the loading time. Or pick a lesser district, d1 in any popular towns with be pack most of the time.
Well I am running gw on a machine at least 5 years old, and its fine, don't think its a pile of slag but its very much slower than current models.
was 1 meg ram now 2
was 64 graphics now a venerable ti4800 128 meg
I recon that could be bought today almost for pocket change lol
question I ask is what crap is running on your startup that you could dump.
was 1 meg ram now 2
was 64 graphics now a venerable ti4800 128 meg
I recon that could be bought today almost for pocket change lol
question I ask is what crap is running on your startup that you could dump.