Originally Posted by freaky naughty
I actually agree with the OP but I doubt anet will implement changes.
I doubt it too, I even don't expect anything for at least all the time, until GW2 is released, but it may be allowed to make suggestions for new add ons, without that it gets then death flamed/trolled , only because those people that are versus it because a still worthless title should become through some changes slightly easier for the last 5% can't write any good anti-argument why not to make this add on. They all act like little childs, whom you have taken away their lollies, when you make the title slightly easier, and thats somehow funny, but its more kinda sad to see, when people are so selfish, that they totally ignore that the overall benefits of such an add ons is way greater, than the bit losing of "non existent value" of one title line
I surel don't want to tell, how people have to play with this suggestion of giving us some bonus map areas ...
When you've unlocked them and explored them, got your 100% then without wall hugging the last 5% by searching for numerou 0,1%'s, then holds nobody you off, to grind for those still, when you want really everything have explored, until your text mod maps shows you nothing anymore where you can explore, but making the add on changes then only the sides of what is normal...
Normal would be then to explore the bonus areas, the freaks can then still grind then for those 0,1% on the rest of the world until they get happy.
I finmd, grinding and wall hugging should not be the base of this title, to complete it, sure it should be the base for 95% of all the maps, but the last 5% of the 3 maps should be fun to explore, without having to wall hug everything.
Those ones, which love to wall hug, can as said still wall hug further for 0,1% and ignore the bonus areas simple ...
Biut in the moment, thoses titles force to grind and no explore title should do this for the last 5% imo ...
You can grind for money, or for faction points and so on, but for exploring is just silly.