Originally Posted by holymasamune
His avatar is pretty win too. Touch ranger with a pet? Quick shot ranger with life siphon and poisonous bite? Spiteful spirit ranger with bestial mauling?
Or just not using his secondary at the time?
could see a build using certain curses that increase damage from physical sources (Barbs, Weaken Armor, Mark of Pain) in concert with delivering physical damage from both the ranger and the pet. Has a problem with multiple-attribute dependancy and would probably be better with the curses being thrown by a dedicated Necro, but it is a possibility...
On the actual topic... I
could see it working in certain specific areas where multiple sides have a stake in the matter. For the Luxons and Kurzicks, for instance, they'd probably
both appreciate you currying favour with the Emperor for their side by helping clear Shiro'ken from the Raisu Palace explorable while declaring yourself as doing so on behalf of their faction. However, it would only work in certain specific areas, not throughout a campaign.