Warrior Skillz:
Hypersonic Strikes- 8 adrenaline
[Elite Skill] make 1...7 attacks on a foe with your weapon. These attacks will strike 100% faster and cannot be interrupted by you or by any other source except the death of the foe/you. The attacks strike for +5 damage consecutively. You are struck with weakness and crippling for 5...30 seconds after this attack ends. This attack will be disabled for 20 seconds after use. (Strength)
Evasion Stance- 4 adrenaine
[Elite Stance] for 10 seconds you are affected by Evasion stance. While affected you cannot move, attack, or use any skills but gain a 75% chance to dodge all attacks against you. If you have a shield equipped you only have a 50% chance. When you dodge a melee attack, that foe is knocked down and you make a counter attack for +5...60 damage. (tactics)
Soulbound Minion- 25 energy 2 cast 24 recharge
(Spell) Sacrifice 75% of your current health, this spell must target a dead ally. Create a soulbound minion equal to your dead ally. This creature becomes under your ally's control and has 50...75% of that ally's health and energy levels. (50% chance to end up with no skills or attributes with death magic 7 or less). (Death Magic)
Sacrificial Healing- 5 energy 1/8 cast 4 recharge
(Spell) sacrifice 5% of your maximum health and begin bleeding for 10 seconds. Target ally is healed of 1...3 negative conditions. (Blood Magic)
Summon Shadow- 15 energy 1 cast 12 recharge
[Elite Spell] exploit one nearbye corpse to summon 1...6 shadow's to the field. Every attack made by these shadows inflict poison and blinding for 5...15 seconds. Shadows die instantly from any monk spell cast on them and also suffer 4 times damage from holy. Shadow minions also only count as one minion, no matter how many of them you have summoned.
(forgot to mention, if you fall below 50% health all your shadows die)
Mental Provocation- 15 energy 1/2 cast 12 recharge
(Hex) target foe cannot attack any creature but you for 5...20 seconds. If that foe is hit with an attack this hex is removed. (Domination Magic)
Fear- 5 energy 1 cast 36 recharge
[Elite Hex] remove all hexes, enchantments, stances, skills, or other effects from target foe (except blessings). That foe cannot attack anyone for 5...15 seconds and moves 50% faster. (Domination Magic)
Bleeding River- 25 energy 1/2 cast 12 recharge
[Elite Hex] target foe is hexed with Bleeding River for 5...30 seconds. Bleeding is constantly applied to that foe every 5 seconds while this hex is active. When this hex ends that foe takes 5...30 damage for every time bleeding was reapplied (maximum 120). (Illusion Magic)
Killing Eye- 5 energy 1 cast 24 recharge
[Elite Hex] cut your current health in half. Target foe is knocked down and suffers from bleeding, deep wound, crippling, weakening, exhaustion,and daze for 5...15 seconds. Target foe is also hexed with Killer eye for 30 seconds. If this hex does not end prematurely, the foe loses all energy. (Illusion Magic)
Phantom's Deal- 25 energy 1/2 cast 12 recharge
[Elite Enchantment] lose 75% of your current health, you become enchanted with Phantom's Deal for 5...120 seconds. While enchanted by Phantom's Deal, your attacks inflict +5...15 damage and your hexes last 20...50% longer. All conditions and hexes cast on you have halved durations. (Illusion Magic)
Assasin Skillz:
Killer's Strike- 5 energy 12 recharge
(Lead Attack) this attack strikes for +5...60 damage, but all your dual attacks are disabled for 10 seconds. (Dagger Mastery)
Contract Strike- 15 energy 24 recharge
(Off-Hand Attack) if target foe is above 50% health, this attack strikes for +5...45 damage. (Critical Strikes)
Dervish Skills:
Signet of Triumph- 1 cast 20 recharge
(Signet) lose all enchantments, for each one lost you gain 2 energy, 5...20 health, and lose 5...7 seconds off a random condition on you. If you lose less then 4 enchantments in this way, this signet takes an additional 10 seconds to recharge. (Mysticism)
Spinning Refrain- 5 energy 8 recharge
[Elite Scythe Attack] if you are crippled, this attack strikes all nearbye foes and attacks for +5...60 damage. Also you are cured of crippling. If you are not crippled you lose 10 energy and this attack does nothing. (Scythe Mastery)
Paragon Skillz:
"There's a hole in their defense!"- 8 adrenaline
(Shout) All allies within earshot inflict 20% more damage for 5...10 seconds. (Motivation)
"I see through it!"- 4 adrenaline
[Elite Shout] you are blinded for 5...10 seconds, all allies cannot be blocked for dodged for 5...10 seconds. (Motivation)
"An Eye for an Eye!"- 5 energy 12 recharge
(Shout) for 5 seconds, 25...50% of all damage dealt to allies within earshot is dealt to one random foe within earshot as well. (Leadership)
tell me what you think...
Skill Set *New!*
No point reading them IMO since GW wont have any more skills added to it now.
Very little balance there IMO.
Some are overpowered, others have little use IMO
Some are overpowered, others have little use IMO
Guild Wars is pretty much over. C'est la vie.
lol...speaking over overpowered crap :/
did you even THINK when you made this up?
did you even THINK when you made this up?
Spinning Refrain doesn't work quite well. Since it's elite it should be reduced damage, not nothing at all.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Aera
lol...speaking over overpowered crap :/
did you even THINK when you made this up? |
12 chars.