I havent logged on yet and I dont know we have been awarded with points yet, but by my own calculations, I only made 4 Prediction Points and thus will be awarded a meager 25 Tournament Points.
I predicted according to the teams Qualifier Points, the higher the QP, the higher the chance they would end in the top 8, right? WRONG!
Of all the QP high placed GvG teams, NOBODY actually ended in the top 8...
Only Ekelon and Glyph from the HvH devision ended in the top8, so I was awarded 2 points for each...
This aint really a rant, since theres actually nothing to rant about.
But since I have got your attention, I might as well adress another issue about this. The Tournament Points sytem really is bad if you ask me, since you don't actually 'unlock' the item on your account. Only if you have a perma PvP character, it would be ok, but since I have only 1 slot left (of 11 in total), I like to change characters. And going in PvP with a PvE character would really be a bad idea, although I know some people actually do this. Cant we make the PvP upgrades permanent? If so you could always raise the TP needed for them, but they are high enough if you ask me...
Another point would be: MAKE POLYMOCK PVP ISLE!!!!!
Thats what I thought Polymock would be at first. It would make the game more repeatable as well. And Polymock is really cool, except against dumb AI. Real Players would make it a lot more interesting.
Hmm maybe I should have posted this in Sardelac...