Have anyone tried this http://www.pvxwiki.com/wiki/Build:Te...ctive_55_Nuker and made it worked in action?
Me and my pal tried it serveral times and we never figurered how to make that build to work.
The bonder can't compensate with the energy lost when the tank takes hits...
Someone help or advice..
Note: If there was a thread before don't blame me. I was looking for a search button but I couldn't found it.
Team - Protective 55 Nuker
I suggest having the tank drop phoenix and pick up Shield of Absorption, and have the bonder drop Succor, and Essence Bond and pick up Peace and Harmony{E}, that should leave the bonder with 5 energy regen, then that is negated by the 5 maintain enchantments. The tank should be able to survivor the downtime of Shield of Absorption via the 5 regen that is being maintain on him. If not pick up Shielding Hands instead of another damage spell, but i think Life Bond should cover the damage incoming.
Builds like this make me cry.
Notice the rating at the top of the build? That means it barely missed being deleted. You should avoid ones with that rating unless you have no other options.
Well when I posted it, it showed a "good thumb" which means it worked (Yesterday 10:19 AM). But today -.- ohh well thx for the anyway.