Ascalon Pre-Mod has arrived!!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by PowerRAV
Just thought I'd let you know your watermark or signature shows up backwards in The Isle of the Dead guild hall or is it even supposed to be there?
The dragon thing probably faces the other way in ascalon city, so if you go up to it and look at the back of it the watermark will show. Thats my guess at least.

Shadow Kurd

Shadow Kurd

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006


Scouts of Tyria


maybe you could change the loading screen too


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Insanity United [IU]


The loading screen isn't too hard with a decent graphics program. If you look at the list of player mods, there are several that change the loading screens. I am planning to change the crystal desert one any minute, though ^^. (Just remembered I need to get there, first :@)

Bowman Artemis

Bowman Artemis

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Gold Coast, Australia.

Overclockers Australia [OCAU]

I'd just like to let everyone know that xxod and I are combining our mods to make one pre-post-mega-mod. See here for details.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


Great mod! It's like the Searing minus the icky searing part of said Searing, which is the part of the Searing nobody wanted.

Anyways, I haven't dled this mod yet, but I have a question. In many of those screenshots, your areas have odd lighting, almost fullbright.

Did you do some cheesy photoshop effect on your screenies, or is this due to the Old Ascalon lighting on Pre-Searing textures?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


This is awesome, i can't wait to have a play around old/new ascalon.

/Signed for lions arch goes volcanic



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Did you do some cheesy photoshop effect on your screenies, or is this due to the Old Ascalon lighting on Pre-Searing textures?
Yes i photoshopped it to little bit brighter. If you would like to help out making a Volcana Lion's Arch join here at




Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Overacheivers [Club]


Cool mods, are you going to change fort ranik and other areas in post searing?

Are you going to make pre searing mods aswell? maybe give pre seraing a wintersday or halloween. it would be so pun intended
i would help but my comp broke
i had a cool Zelda mod i made with allsorts. Like on mission completion there was swords and sheilds from zelda. You could probably get some textures for the wintersday mod from the shiverpeaks and other areas



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Georgia, USA



Great work! Nice Presear! Keep it up!

Hey xxod... do you know of a way to open TPF files and see the # of the images that in the tpf? (I am looking to find specific textures in a current mod but need the # of the images)...


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006


fantastic, now you can escape from an escape from reality! now complete with an area that's been "seared" with nature! that's no impact hole, that's a nature hole!

(not intended to be as biting as it might be seen)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]


Oh jeez, this is wonderful No more need to reroll a character just to see presearing again. You're a genius! Thank you.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

In a house....


Heh, nice mod! I was bored last night so I made a video that demonstrates how it looked.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Originally Posted by Lint
Heh, nice mod! I was bored last night so I made a video that demonstrates how it looked.
Nice to see that you've made a demo Looks good!

Originally Posted by Prowlinger
Hey xxod... do you know of a way to open TPF files and see the # of the images that in the tpf? (I am looking to find specific textures in a current mod but need the # of the images)...
Haven't found one yet! Maybe some Elite-programma can make one?!

At rest, i want to say that I'm not into moddin anymore, sorry :P Since I'm playing music with band, ( and this takes more time, and even more fun So I thought, I could tell ya'll what I'm doing now. Nice to see the High-Rez mod! Good work! Nice input for the guildwars community.

Uhm, other thing I would like to say, that if you got questions or some other things :P you can post reply!

grz . xxod

Lord Jim

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008


Heya all .
xxod you've done very good job . Ascalon looks much better then before you realesed your mod . But... there is one little thing ... . How about completly restoration of Ascalon..? Why our lovely AN dosen't want to restore those what were lost during the Searing . Ofcourse Ascalon won't be the same like it is now in Pre . Some things will change. Well , you're asking me how to do that without changes in gameplay..? There is my answer : this could be avilable after finishing Prophecies campaign . Like HM . But post-Searing may still exist . You can choose that you want to be in post - Searing , or new-old Pre . So you will see there rebuilded Fort Ranik( as outpost ) , Serenity Temple , Grendich Courthouse with village , Nolani Academy ( as outpost) ,Saderlac Sanitarium , Surmia ( as outpost) and all of this what were lost in Searing . But ofcourse what with monsters , Cartographer title and Vanquisher.? Ohh.. this new region will be absolutly self-dependent from these titles . Monsters..? Well , ofcourse players dosen't want to kill 1 - lvl skale.. as they were doing it in Pre . AN should contact with players who cares about Pre & Ascalon , and with the others , maybe should organized new contest to create new bosses , greens , who konows maybe even new gold , rare weapons.. . This new Ascalon shouldn't be a "n00b island" . This should be a new fantastic region with new bosses , quests , greens , golds . And it should look like our favourite old-Pre .

Well , I hope that I won't be banned for that .

Tamgi Sun

Tamgi Sun

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006



Wow this is so cool! Nice!

You Look Grim

You Look Grim

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ecnegilletni Laicifitra [朔mud]

Originally Posted by helloworld
Amazing , now i want an Christmas ascalon mod !!!
yeah, i would love to see the holiday decorations whenever i wanted

Lord Tetsu

Lord Tetsu


Join Date: Nov 2007

Mantra Of Shut Your {Face}


ok i suck in tech i saved to disk (did i do it wrong?) ok now what............

i confuse :P



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2007

Paladins of Eternal Truth[POET]


Hi, I'm not that tech savvy either. How do I get this mod to work, like where do I install it or whatever?




Join Date: Nov 2005


Wow, fantastic work.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


Originally Posted by Lord Tetsu
ok i suck in tech i saved to disk (did i do it wrong?) ok now what............

i confuse :P
Originally Posted by beregond
Hi, I'm not that tech savvy either. How do I get this mod to work, like where do I install it or whatever?
This mod requires Texmod to run. You can get the program from the official wiki on this page. Just follow the instructions from there.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Flying Piglets [oink]


hmm downloadlink isn't working :-(
could u please upload somewhere else or am i the only one who is unable to dl?

€: yeah, ty everything's fine now

Kendar Muert

Kendar Muert

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006



Very nice coding- but the whole blasted building thing takes a bit away from it. I mean, you have nice, pretty stuff, but in the background its still all death and destruction with people who look demoralized, and buildings that look like they were the target of a mortar barrage.

Monk In The Box

Monk In The Box


Join Date: Mar 2008

Deutschland und in mein zimmer



Coolio I could use this

Bowman Artemis

Bowman Artemis

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Gold Coast, Australia.

Overclockers Australia [OCAU]

Oops, my fault. I'll fix the problem now.

EDIT: Should be working again now.

Don Doggy

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006


Looks great have to try this soon.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Not to nitpick as this was alot of work...

But the movie showed distant brown sections suddenly turning to green as you get close. That would suggest that "distance" textures haven't been replaced. (Yeah, they're harder to find I bet...) Any ideas on fixing this?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005



nice work !!

Bowman Artemis

Bowman Artemis

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Gold Coast, Australia.

Overclockers Australia [OCAU]

Originally Posted by FoxBat
Not to nitpick as this was alot of work...

But the movie showed distant brown sections suddenly turning to green as you get close. That would suggest that "distance" textures haven't been replaced. (Yeah, they're harder to find I bet...) Any ideas on fixing this?
It's more a case of quantity rather than harder to find. There are over 2000 distance textures in ascalon alone and each one has 3 sizes. That's 6000 textures that need to be edited.

Villnar Shadowbane

Villnar Shadowbane

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007


Ascalon Is That Way


Pffft, for those who are perma pre its better being all dark and custy. I'm sick of the birds singing and flowers blooming! I WANT ASCALON TO TAKE A DIRT NAP! haha gj though looks nice.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


Originally Posted by Villnar Shadowbane
Pffft, for those who are perma pre its better being all dark and custy. I'm sick of the birds singing and flowers blooming! I WANT ASCALON TO TAKE A DIRT NAP! haha gj though looks nice.

Hey, perhaps a nice idea to have pre-searing ascalon to look as post-searing ascalon?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008

Land of Confusion




Nice work



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Originally Posted by Murmel

Nice work
haha, thanks for appreciating this mod

Shemsu Anpw

Shemsu Anpw

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008

Sephirot - Keter

That is very nice. I will Dl when i get home and try it out hopefully. I actually miss the "Old" Ascalon(Pre-Searing), but not enough to live there with a nub Char.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2008


Disciplez of Homer [DoH]


I don't know if anyone else has this issue but it seems rare even for me.

Most noticably if I have this mod running while in pre it starts covering the textures under my feet in this odd orange shading, I'll add a screen later if I get the chance, not a huge issue mod works


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


That glitch is a Texmod standard. Almost every mod you run will introduce minor stuff like that.

Ranger Icarus

Ranger Icarus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008

United States

Perfectionists Cult [NICE]


Very nice! How long did that take to do?



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Originally Posted by cindymary
hello , i am a company that doing something about guild wars ,if you have some questions about GW when you are playing ,you can ask me for help (for free)
Since when does ingame help cost money?! If youre a nice GW-player you help everyone for free.

Originally Posted by cindymary
and you can visit my website it if you are free or you need my help
I dont support website/people who sell ingame Gold/Money and powerleveling services. Sorry for you cindymary, but i think your posting a wrong message in the wrong topic



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Originally Posted by Ranger Icarus View Post
Very nice! How long did that take to do?
Hi RI,
This kind of 'mods' are very easy to make, soon i'll post a tutorial how you can make this. It's a bit tricky but if you've got Photoshop, DDS-plugin (nvidea) and texmod you can make huge reskinned worlds.

ps. Soon i'll release a AIR-based program for guildwars. Its a layer program which supports the player with wiki-based information, Guild Roster, Guru price checking, ingame clock and lots more options. maybe even a mp3 player

Next time i will post a screenshot of the program, stay tuned


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2007


Are you going to release the source of this? I would be quite interested in how you technically do this.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Hello everyone!

Im bringing up a very old thread. Im going to make a tutorial how I have made this Pre-Ascalon mod, but theres more!

Since I have vacation now (1 week) I'm planning to make a new city mod. Now you guys may decide why and which city I should redesign. Then I could make a template for that town and with the help of my tutorial you guys can also mod a whole town/city! Great idea right?!

Looking forward to you guys!