Originally Posted by Steboy93
1) Which is easier?
2) Which takes longer?
3) Which is easier to find groups for?
4) Which is better to do with h/h?
5) Which do/did you find more fun?
1) Definetly Guardian nothing hard except few gimmicks like eternal grove, bastion and gate of maddness (lich is ftl)
2) Definetly Vanquisher, guardian can be done in 3 days if you actually try... with atleast 1 other competent person though.
3) Definetly Guardian although you're better off with guildies/alliance
4) I wouldn't recommend either as hench have terrible builds, except for gwen one's, but if I had to pick... vanquisher would be easier for most cases.
5) Definetly Vanquisher, nothing better than revisiting old areas and spending hours in each area fighting diverse mob groups and getting lots and lots of golds

It's also better overall for other titles you can open chests and work on lucky/unlucky/chest/wisdom all at the same time elite capping aswell if you haven't got those yet, and the cash you get at the end of vanquish is a nice touch to the money spent on lockpicks.
And i totally disagree with people saying Guardian is a more respectable title. It's takes nowhere close to the same time as Vanquisher and most of it is just slightly harder than most lvl 20 missions.