Pre Searing Bear Hunt Annoyance



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Dragons of Torment (DOA)


I recently got a present on one of my pre searing charcters and proceeded to start moving them along to get the present into post searing.

As usual i went to just outside fort ranik to meet the hunters and get free ale.

However on my final two runs i got back with 40 seconds to spare but as i was getting up to them they began to sing Blood Sweat and Tears. they proceeded to sing this for 50 seconds running past the time i had lef tot talk to them and they refused to talk to me so i could complete the quest.

This is the most annoying thing about this quest, when you fail not because you don't make it back but because the NPC won't talk to you.

If this is intentional then it needs to be removed, and if not then fixed.