Just a curious thing about my drops.
Rocky Raccoon
It seems like I never get good drops related to the profession I am using at the time of the drop. My ranger has hardly ever gotten any good bows to drop, but if I use another profession then I get bow drops. Is this just something that happens to me or does it happen to other people also. I am not complaining as it it easy to transfer back and forth, but it just seems a little curious to me.
It's an illusion of probability. I thought the same thing at one point but I figured my drops up over twenty runs between four different characters and the drop rate for certain item classes remained the same on average between the four characters.
Operative 14
I can say that when I use my Elementalist and I'm out doing stuff, I usually get high end golden bows if I'm going to get a gold item. I have also gotten swords, axes, and items from probably a few other proffessions I can't remember. But usually Gold bows, though the area I farm in has a high number of rangers in it. You are right, however. I have never gotten a gold staff when I'm out with my Ele. 
My Dervish, on the other hand, has a kanck for getting green scythes when I least expect it.
My Dervish, on the other hand, has a kanck for getting green scythes when I least expect it.
I thought the same thing for awhile but it is probability and it will balance out the longer you play. The only thing I really wonder about is if drops (example greens and others Cores for example) are based on the amount of people working the area. I have no backing to my observation but it always seems that I get my best drops at the lowest volume times
I had heard somewhere that you are supposed to get drops that are not for your profession so that it encourages trading. I can see the idea, but don't know how true it is.
freaky naughty
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I had heard somewhere that you are supposed to get drops that are not for your profession so that it encourages trading. I can see the idea, but don't know how true it is.
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I had heard somewhere that you are supposed to get drops that are not for your profession so that it encourages trading. I can see the idea, but don't know how true it is.
I too see this illusion, and the funny thing about it is when I started changing out my heroes/henchies with completely different professions I hadn't used before, suddenly I got drops geared toward the heroes/henchies I had switched.
Diddy bow
Really it could be an illusion or some weird sceme on a-nets part. Only they know

What I find that is totally off kilter is the fact most drops from a certain profession NPC I kill will drop something that has nothing to do with that NPCs profession, it should be that NPC drops a weapon fitting that NPCs profession instead of a monk NPC dropping bow.
More Outrage
I got so many daggers then I made an assasin and guess what?
Yeah you guessed, very rare I get any decent daggers. So glad I saved the best drops.
I tend to save all my good drops and I`m not a great trader, hate selling stuff, always found early in the game I got good drops for the profs I didn`t have. Makes you buy more char slots, I have 20+ so I guess I`m a real sucker.
Yeah you guessed, very rare I get any decent daggers. So glad I saved the best drops.
I tend to save all my good drops and I`m not a great trader, hate selling stuff, always found early in the game I got good drops for the profs I didn`t have. Makes you buy more char slots, I have 20+ so I guess I`m a real sucker.
Drops depend more on the creatures killed I guess, some mobs are much more likely to drop swords or bows or whatever then others.