Would it be possible...

Ugoff The Unholy

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Well, I'm going for a cartographer rank (or at least thinking about it) and have heard some bad things about it. Scraping, mostly, so I was wondering:

Is it at all possible to add a % to each area when viewing on your map? For example, hover over or click on "Jahai Bluffs" and it can pop something up much like clicking on a city. This would show you the % you have of that area explored and maybe even a summary much like they do with cities.

Possible? I don't know...
Practicle? HA


Exterminate all

Exterminate all

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2007

In a house

Not Behind My Back [Back]



Why make the game even easier??

Also use search plz