It is not done with teachers, since the "basics" they teach and where taught would not suffice, and the teachers who would be qualified either do not have the time or do not have the capabilities. I know, there are young teachers also, but it is like german synchronisation of movies; hardly anyone cares about the backgrounds (best recent example; the silly translation in the movie "Transformers" of the line "more than meets the eye" which was something resembling to a slogan so to speak. it was violated by persons who did not care). Like business english, there soon has to be something like "gaming english". Games - computer, board and whatsoever - are a vital part of modern society. F**k it up for good, and you get a revolution startet.
Thank you dearly for the link, I will register myself asap when i am able to deliver PLENTY of stuff. I also got answered mail from the support center. They told me i should sent in the errors and they will be forwarded to the respective department. I don´t know if i should take this for granted or not, I guess I will - again - spread out my efforts in various directions.
2. "Ebon" is a horrible anglicism. The word does not exist in German, and Germans wouldn't even know how to pronounce it!
This is wrong, there is such a word.
Ebony = Ebenholz
ebon = ebenhölzern.
As far as i know, a "gavel" is a special english word for a hammer that is used by auctioneers, presiders and judges. Still, it is ONLY a Hammer in german. To make this more accurate you should add a word like "Richter Hammer" -> "Judge Hammer"
But then again, how would it sound to have a "Ebenhölzener Richterhammer der Nephilim" ^^°
I never received an answer nor even a comment, and my reported issues have never been adopted into the game.
Which leaves me with the conclusion that the German localization crew is an haughty bunch who refuse to take well-meaning advise.
This might be a very harsh comment from mine, but if the original makers of the game are convinced that the localisation team is nothing but a pack of pinheads... well, there is still hope. It is not done by just the community, there also needs to be a fulcrum within the developer team itself. I don´t mind if i could play the game in english, but there are many that simply CAN NOT because their english is not sufficient (either if they are just beginning to learn it or they never got really used to it. We still have plenty of gamers that range from 30 to 40). As for me, my english knowledge also was boosted because of english games. If there is such a fluid possibility to switch the language in GW by pressing a button, the possibility of learning by gaming should be seriously taken into consideration!
oh and; did you know what happened in the german fansites? you want to know? there is the link;
For those who lack german skills; They told me that such a thread to suggest errors in translation already exists, but most of these mistakes mentioned there are still not edited in the game. So it obvisously is not enough.
"Lost in translation" - yeah right.
Should I mention that I am Austrian, and not german? This could help -.-