In case any of you were thinking of upgrading soon, hold out till the new Nvidia / ATI cards arrive.
New 8800 Revision
this only applies to the 8800 gts?
I have just bought a GTX, I was wanting to hold out until the 8900s come out in november I think it was? but when I looked at the prices for a 8900 gts I could not be bothered :P
I have just bought a GTX, I was wanting to hold out until the 8900s come out in november I think it was? but when I looked at the prices for a 8900 gts I could not be bothered :P
I'm very happy with my 8800 GTS - but then again this is my first new PC in about 5 years so I'm obviously not trying to squeeze out every layer. 96 layers compared to 112? I suppose that will be useful for Oblivion, but what will those extra layers do for GW?
Originally Posted by OlMurraniKasale
I'm very happy with my 8800 GTS - but then again this is my first new PC in about 5 years so I'm obviously not trying to squeeze out every layer. 96 layers compared to 112? I suppose that will be useful for Oblivion, but what will those extra layers do for GW?
Originally Posted by _June
it would be a different story if it ran on the Half Life 2 engine