Once mortal and criminal in life,
now shepherds of the souls of the dead,
forced to serve Grenth due to their wickedness.
We are the Envoys From Above.
Name: Envoys From Above
Tag: [soul]
Alliance: Kurzick (13m faction)
Members: ~70 active members
Oriented: PvE
As a Guild we organise farming trips, exploration trips and high end PvE. In the past, Saturday and Sunday events have regularly taken our members to The Deep, Urgoz, Fow, UW and dungeons, and we have helped each other obtain maxed titles. Outside these scheduled events, Guild members help each other on a daily basis to achieve their own personal goals.
We seek to build a firm base of active members, who share the same interests as ourselves and a sense of humour. If you would like to know more about the guild, please visit our forums located at www.envoysfromabove.co.nr
Envoys From Above [soul] recruiting
Abbel Calima