I tried finding a HM guild, and was highly disappointed. One wnated me to farm Kurzick points; another was there to collect donation toward a Guild Hall and then booted everyone. So much for the "social" nature of the game.
Guilds that require donations are farming guilds. They serve one purpose only.
HM guild without fully equipped guild hall is an oxymoron. Any guild asking for donations of any kind is a poor one.
These should be warning signs big enough to avoid them by a mile. Good HM guild will have people bleeding ectos, dressed up in nothing but vanity skins, and not even think of spending time to pick up anything but gold drops. Each member will likely also have 10+ characters, and at least 2 accounts.
GW? No user UI mods like guild banks or calendars; no interaction outside a few towns. GW is a *very* lonely game -- and I know it's not me, because I've easily found social activities in other online games.
Because it's too easy. Since with every major change PvE gets simplified more and more, with GW:EN dealing its final blow to any hint of challenge, there really isn't much need for community.
Why schedule a week in advance for stuff that takes 5-25 minutes solo.
People keep crying too hard too hard.... WoW is *impossible* solo. Cannot be done. It's carefully designed in such a way that you either outlevel something and solo it, or, for anything end-game, you need n members to beat it.
That's the problem with skill. In GW, if you're skilled or willing to learn, you master the areas, and nothing is there to stop you. But too many want WoW, where you grind without learning anything. And since the core gameplay couldn't change, they needed to lower the difficulty.
And then, you get a large version of pre-searing.
I have never, in any game, seen people actually wanting improvements to noob isle.
Social interaction doesn't come from thin air. It comes from need. It has been a very long time since there was any need for it in GW.