Hi everyone,
I was wondering about item spells, do they need to be held for the maximum time for maximum effect?
Also any decent rit builds would be appreciated
Thanks for your time!
Item Spells?
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Batou of Nine
There is no "full effect" to be felt from item spells. The only "full effect" would be the ashes that have active bonuses (hp recharge, energy recharge, etc). Other ashes usually work in two ways, being activated when dropped (which can be manually dropped or after the spell duration) or a passive effect while held (+AL, +energy, +hp, faster casting, faster recharge, etc). All in all, they all work exactly how the spell description describes...
that make sense?
that make sense?
Oso Minar
There are some item spells that are beneficial when held for the full time (such as Energetic Was Lee Sa).
If you're thinking about item spells "charging up" or something like that such as in [skill]Destruction[/skill] or [skill]Life[/skill], though, you won't find any. They're pretty much straight-forward.
Many ashes can be dropped when you need them. I like using [skill]Protective Was Kaolai[/skill] for its party heal rather than for the armor bonus. Similarly, [skill]Generous was Tsungrai[/skill] is a great self-heal for AB or RA.
I'd try to not have too many item spells on your bar, though. In PvE, I'll only normally carry one around. For PvP, sometimes I'll bring two, most likely GwT and [skill]Blind Was Mingson[/skill]
If you're thinking about item spells "charging up" or something like that such as in [skill]Destruction[/skill] or [skill]Life[/skill], though, you won't find any. They're pretty much straight-forward.
Many ashes can be dropped when you need them. I like using [skill]Protective Was Kaolai[/skill] for its party heal rather than for the armor bonus. Similarly, [skill]Generous was Tsungrai[/skill] is a great self-heal for AB or RA.
I'd try to not have too many item spells on your bar, though. In PvE, I'll only normally carry one around. For PvP, sometimes I'll bring two, most likely GwT and [skill]Blind Was Mingson[/skill]
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Thanks guys!