Certain priests or res shrine npcs have different dialogs;
"Grenth is displeased with"
"Dwayna is sorrowed because"
Slightly mimicing the idea of Luxon vs Kurzick, what if certain res shrine npc's had an alliance to certian gods. To do this the only way I can see balanced is 5 new title tracks.
level 1 Worshiper of [God]
level 10 Priest of [God]
Perfectly example would be; Someone achives the rank of level 1 title track in the goddess Dwayna. a Grenth priest would be hesitent about handing the blessing over, eather at a 25 - 50% decress (1 point per kill where as a Grenth follower would get 2) or a bribe depending on the title's level for a full blessing. Where as someone with a level 10 Dwayna track wouldn't recive the blessing at all.
6 gods, not all are "fighting" with each other. That just means you wouldn't have to bribe the npc to recive the specific god's blessing. It would work along side the original blessing given by the NPC. So for example it would appear something like;
Undead Hunt
Blessing. You earn x Sunspear promotion points and x Dwayna promotion points for each undead creature you slay.
Allianced Priests?
Max a title and not be able to max another? /notsigned. o wait
The Five gods are allies, not enemies. They may make fun fights like in Winter Games, but it's all fake.
The 'bad' gods are banished or dead.
The 'bad' gods are banished or dead.
Zahr Dalsk
Only if we can ally with Abaddon, Menzies, and Dhuum.
gloria vander belt
/not signed
just doesnt work with the story line that GW already has
just doesnt work with the story line that GW already has