The Grapplers



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Brief Overview- The Grapplers (natively called themselves the Menekai) are a unique class that use their main weapon, the grapple, to deal damage through combos. Because of their semi-ranged weapon, they can play role as tank or as a ranged supporter.

I. Background/Gods Followed
II. Analysis of Weapon
III. Attributes/Skills
IV. Last Thoughts/Conclusion

I. Background/Gods Followed.
The Menekai (men-u-ky) used to be one of the most prosperous civilizations in all of Elona. They lived in the Northwest land of Elona, what they called "The land which is Gold." They resided there for many generations until Vareshes evil grip tainted their land. One of there gods, Abbadon, became corrupt and evil. Even their loyal allies, the Jununda, turned against them. They soon realized that their attempts to stop the undead, varesh, and the wurms was futile, so they tried to flee.

However, the Menekai were split on what means to evade Varesh. Some insisted that they head south and flee to Istan or to head past the mountains for refuge. Others thought they should head west to the Peninsula and then sail to far away islands near there. The last group thought they should head north to the Crystal dessert. And so, each group headed their own way, all believing they were headed the smartest way. The group who traveled North to the Crystal Dessert, survived and are a small, outcast band to this day. The rest were never heard of again. However, some people speculate they live in a mountainous region West of Istan...No one knows for sure......

Gods Followed-All

Boss Color-Dark silver/black

Analysis of Weapon
The Grapple in unlike any weapon every seen in Guild Wars. It exponentially increases damage with each hit.

Max damage for a Grapple is 4-128 damage and they require only Grapple Mastery.
It looks like a long chain with a blade or spiked ball at the end.(Pic soon to come)

Because the grapple is such a large, heavy weapon, it does little damage at first, but after each hit it becomes easier to maneuver in combos and deal excesivly more damage. Each hit starts a "combo chain" and increases in levels. Your first hit will be level 1, the second level 2, and so on...

Level 1 - 4 damage
Level 2 - 8 damage
Level 3 - 16 damage
Level 4 - 32 damage
Level 5 - 64 damage
Level 6 - 128 damage

After a person completes a combo chain, they will restart teh chain and re-cycle through it. Example: Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4....

What will break a combo chain
~ Duration since last attack exceeds 3 seconds
~ Switching Weapons
~ Doing any emote
~using an item

What will not break a combo chain
~ Attacking the smae enemy over and over
~ Switching between enemies
~ When an enemy dies
~ Using a skill

Missing With an Attack- No effect on combo chain
Enemy Evades your Attack- No effect on combo chain
Enemy Blocks your Attack- You go down one level(Cannot go below 1)
Enemy Interrupts Your Attack- You go down two levels.(Cannot go below 1)

Skills that count as levels (see below at Grappling Skills) will bring you up or down to that level.

Example: You just hit your level 5 attack and use a skill that counts a level 3 attack. Now, your next hit will count as a level 4 attack.

Indication of Level- Over your weapon icon (defaultly at the bottom-right of your screen) will be a giant number of whatever level you are on.

Range- Normally can strike foes that are nearby, but with some skills it can be extended... See this page for range picture:

III. Attributes/Skills

Combos-For Each rank you gain 1% attack speed bonus when using grapples. Each time you succesfully complete a combo chain you gain 2 health for each rank in this and 1 energy for every 3 ranks in this. Associated with skills that give you benefits for completing combos and that aid you in completing such.
Grappling Mastery- No inherit effect. Associated with skills that aid in the usage and effectiveness of attack made by grapples.
Intimidation- No inherit effect. Associated with skills that weaken foes.
Favor of Gods- No inherit effect. Associated with skills that relate to the Gods helping you defeat your foes and rewarding you for doing so.

Example Skills:

{E} Elite Skill
E Energy Cost
CT Casting time
RT Recast Time


Triumph E:5 CT:1/4s RT:20- Stance. For 10 seconds, the next time you successfully complete a combo chain you gain 1 health point for every 2 damage dealt in that combo chain.

Signet of Rejoice CT:1/4s RT:20- Stance. For 10 seconds, the next time you successfully complete a combo chain, you gain 3...10 energy.

Adaptation of Skill E:5 CT:1/4s RT:20- Stance. For 30 seconds you gain a 5% attack speed increase each time you successfully complete a combo chain.(Maximum 5..25)

Grappling Mastery

Reckless Power E:5 CT:1/4s RT:30- Enchantment. For 5...15 seconds your attacks cannot be blocked, evaded, or interrupted, but each time they would have, you lose 40...15 health.

Swing Grapple E:5 CT:1/4s RT:12- Attack skill. Attack each nearby foe for +2..8 damage. This counts as a level 3 attack.

Hook and Reel E:5 CT:1/4s RT:20- Stance. Your next attack causes target foe to teleport to your position and take and additional 10..20 damage. This counts as a level 4 attack.

Severing Strike E:5 CT:1/4s RT:15- Stance. Your next attack causes leeding for 4..18 seconds.

Bine E:5 CT:1/4s RT:20- Stance. Your next attack knocked down for 1..3 seconds.


"I Wouldn't Do That!" {E} E:10 CT:1s RT:45- Shout. For 10 seconds,the next time each foe within ear shot uses a skill, that skill is interupted and you take 40...15 damage.

"Your Efforts are Futile" E:5 CT:1/4s RT:30- Shout. For 5..15 seconds, you take 20 less damage from attacks

"Cower With Fear!" {E} E:15 CT:1/4s RT:45- Shout. All foes within earshot suffer from weakness and are dazed for 7...18 seconds. When this end, you suffer from weakness and are dazed for 10 seconds.

Favor of Gods

Rage of Abbadon{E} E:5 CT:1/4s RT:30- Enchantment. For 5..16 seconds you deal 10...70% more damage with attacks. When this enchantment ends all nearby foes are healed for 250..120 health.

Malice of Grenth{E} E:5 CT:1/4s RT:30- Enchantment. For 5...16 seconds your attacks deal cold damage and you steal an additional 2...20 health from foes you attack.

Resourcefulness of Melundru{E} E:5 CT:1/4s RT:30- Enchantment. For 5...16 seconds your attacks deal earth damage and each time you successfully hit with an attack you lose one condition.

Purity of Dwayna E:5 CT:1/4s RT:30- Enchantment. For 5...16 seconds your attacks deal holy damage and each time you successfully hit with an attack you lose one hex.

IV. Last Thoughts and Conclusion


Armor: I imagine the armor to be a combination of tattoos and metal armor. The chest for instance would have tattoos all over it and on the shoulders would be metal plates. Unfortunalty, i have no artistic ability so i cannot illustrate this for you...

Conclusion: I personally would love to play the Grappler. I think it would be a fun, new idea with a completely new weapon. I have tryed my hardest to balance the skills as well as possible,but please make suggestions to fix some.

More skills to come!




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Grapples are overpowered.
I which I could already release my gladiator/duelist so it may inspire some parts of it like what i did with Hawkeye.
I'll try to send you the CC Replica on Saturady^^



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Grapples are overpowered.
I which I could already release my gladiator/duelist so it may inspire some parts of it like what i did with Hawkeye.
I'll try to send you the CC Replica on Saturady^^
Sweet! That'd be awesome.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2007

Do you mean that by the time you reach the 6th lvl of attack/swing your grapple would have done 252 by adding up all the lvls together with the addition of attack bonuses? If so you could easily deal close to 450 dmg a combo with buffs and damage bonuses from skills. IMO that would be way too overpowered combined with the fact it should be doing AOE damage like the Scythe as you swing it plus potential range on it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


I stopped reading at:

Originally Posted by novawhiz
Enemy Evades your Attack- No effect on combo chain

Evade was removed many months ago.

EDIT: I actually read the rest, now.

Utterly overpowered, although it's an okay idea.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


I forgot about the CC replice I'll try to make at sturady^^.