Did i miss this nerf, cause i havent ran it in a while.
I just tried to get in wurm with un-ascended freind. Used to be that if they died, you could get in a wurm, but when we tried it i couldn't...
Does this mean Sunspear Sanc->Kodash runs now have to include the gates of desolation mission run?...
Kodash Run Nerfed?
If you wanna do them, then yes. It was in a relatively recent update that made it so that in order to enter a wurm everyone in the party has to have done gates.
Avatar Exico
what? I thought that wurms were only used for Sulfrous Wastes. Kodash and Sunspear Sat. are on alot of rock and wurms cant get past that. And if you go a portal with a Wurm it ends.
You sure about this I keep up with updates constantly and don't recall it?
i rember this part i will try to find it on wiki i think they showed it before but then it got hide when they updated the update page
Originally Posted by Avatar Exico
what? I thought that wurms were only used for Sulfrous Wastes. Kodash and Sunspear Sat. are on alot of rock and wurms cant get past that. And if you go a portal with a Wurm it ends.
Im sorry but you are mistaken. The run to Kodash goes rom Sancuary to gates of desolation to basalt grooto to Kodash. You cant go directly to kodash from sacuary because there are gates that wont open unless quests are done and misions, etc.
Im stretching my luck here but does anyone have a derv build with maybe 1 hero that can solo Gates of Desolation?? lol
Im stretching my luck here but does anyone have a derv build with maybe 1 hero that can solo Gates of Desolation?? lol
Avatar Exico
Originally Posted by novawhiz
Im sorry but you are mistaken. The run to Kodash goes rom Sancuary to gates of desolation to basalt grooto to Kodash. You cant go directly to kodash from sacuary because there are gates that wont open unless quests are done and misions, etc.
Im stretching my luck here but does anyone have a derv build with maybe 1 hero that can solo Gates of Desolation?? lol from what iv done the order went from Sanctury to Kodash than Gate of Desolation to Basalt Grotto you cant get to Bone Palace from B. Grotto without completing GoD and Basalt is town. Idk how you are able to Wurm to Kodash because it physically impossble.
Im stretching my luck here but does anyone have a derv build with maybe 1 hero that can solo Gates of Desolation?? lol from what iv done the order went from Sanctury to Kodash than Gate of Desolation to Basalt Grotto you cant get to Bone Palace from B. Grotto without completing GoD and Basalt is town. Idk how you are able to Wurm to Kodash because it physically impossble.
Extreme Arbiter
Thats definatley not impossible...ive got that run before....to bad it got nerfed...
Originally Posted by Avatar Exico
from what iv done the order went from Sanctury to Kodash than Gate of Desolation to Basalt Grotto you cant get to Bone Palace from B. Grotto without completing GoD and Basalt is town. Idk how you are able to Wurm to Kodash because it physically impossble.
Dam!!! Your not listening!!! You dont ride wurms in Vabbi!!!! They are just to get through desolation!!