Vanquishing question?
I recently completed my Legendary Guardian Title, and when i go into a mission to help someone out, in the top right corner of my screen, i have a gold helmet instead of a red one, indicating that this mision area has been completed by me, i am considering going after my Legendary Vanquisher Title, , would i need to do the mission areas again, or are those areas considered done for vanquisher?
Mission areas in Prophecies don't count as explorable since you can't enter there anyway unless you are in a mission.
You just need to clear the explorable areas.
You just need to clear the explorable areas.
Squishy ftw
If you can explore an area without playing the mission, you need to vanquish it. If the only way to enter the area is to play the mission, you dont need to vanquish it
Gotcha, thks alot guys .